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SS comes back with $

Elle36's picture

On Sundays when SS comes back to us for the week he always has money on him. He is only 6. I guess BM and him go out to lunch with other relatives and whatever the change is BM allows him to keep it. This happens almost every week. I am the one who does the wash in the house. AND the rule is that if I find money in the machine it is mine. I can't always remember to check pockets of his clothes but when I do I put the money is a zip lock baggy that goes back on Sunday when he goes back to her.

We have a Dr.'s appointment this Tues and we are all usually there sitting in the waiting room. Do I make light if it and say something along the lines as..."when i find money in the wash it is mine. Don't know if it came from you or not?" Or should I just think it is her loss BUT I'm afaid this could also be a test to see if the money comes back.


loonybonusmom's picture

Elle36, I would forget about bm and use this as a new learning tool for ss. Who cares if she wants the money back...fool on her for giving a six year it to begin with! I would talk to ss when he arrives on Sunday about taking care of money wisely and present him with a piggy bank. Maybe that can be a new thing before bed...empty out the pockets and deposit in the bank?

Little Jo's picture

Oh, it's a great idea. Loony, not so loony. And I wouldn't mention it to ss. Wait until he asks, then say, oh, here's your piggy bank.


Elle36's picture

BM is such a witch that I am afraid this is her little game to us. If we make SS put money in a piggy bank at OUR house she would be livid. Everything with her is completely separate (Mom's shoes Mom's coats Mom 's bookbag, Mom's clothes) This woman had to call and see why I didn't return a pair of underwear of hers. This kid goes to t-ball games with two separate ball gloves depending on whose week it is. I am afraid this is her way of letting us know that $5 here and $10 there is no big deal. She gave son a wallet for X-Mas with a $100 bill in it. She would never say anything to us but ask son where money was and if it did go through wash no telling. The sad thing is SS usually shows us how much money Mom let him have or gave him. This woman knows he will eventually be coming back to us on Sunday evenings. I just want to end it before I totally forget and pocket a hand full of dollars out of the washer and then have her call or EMAIL where her son's money is.

loonybonusmom's picture

If this is bm playing a game of it, and she does want to know what happened to the cash, you turn it on her and explain that you are trying to help ss learn about the value of taking care of his money. If she is that concerned, send the bank home with him. If the kid is being handed $100 for xmas, and money regularly better to teach him now about taking care of the cash isn't it? but if she does cause a fuss, I would send the bank back with a sticker that says "property of ss"

slchance's picture

sounds like this is a way for her to control you and make you walk on eggshells about her even when she is not around. I would put the money in a piggy bank. when she asks about it, say it is in his piggy bank, and she is welcome to come get it out. keep a tab of exactly what he brings in and when so that you can match it up to what is in the piggy bank so she cannot say that you stole any. tell her if it is so important to her that the money stays in her control, she should keep it at her house. otherwise, you are not her banker.