SD & DH Both Need a Wake up Call
I already know this is a "DH problem," but still, it's time for SD to start responding to the many life lessons we've both tried to instill. Problem is, DH will teach, but never enforces on a consistent basis. My full time SD12 has never been anything but a disrespectful, manipulative, lazy jerk. Like I've tried to tell her over and over, at her age, it's time to start taking initiative to help out around the house (simple stuff like clean your own space and maybe wipe the counters after she puts crumbs on them) and to start being accountable for her actions.
Neither has happened and probably never will. Not with SD's permanent bad attitude and DH's lack of interest in parenting.
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Are we living in the same
Are we living in the same house? Thunderfoot is 16 and has ZERO life skills. It goes in one ear and out the other. I feel sorry for any man that she convinces to marry her.
I created a chore list for my
I created a chore list for my Skids and I set up each kid a child's bank account and they get an allowance for doing chores. They love it because they each have a debit card with their names on it. The only get $10 a month but to them, it's a lot.
Maybe that could work for your house. If they don't complete all the chores, they get less money. If they are asked to do extra and they agree they get one or two dollars more.
I did this with SO's blessing but I'm in charge of making sure they are staying on top of the chores and I'm the one that pays them.
Some kids are just deeply
Some kids are just deeply lazy.
Both DS15 and HK14 were offered 20.00 to was h cars.
Guess who would do it...DS15.
Guess who would whine....I need money, ok, wash a car....i really don't want to do that, can I do something else? Nope.
When we were little kids
When we were little kids (like 7 and 10) we would knock on our neighbors doors and offer to wash their cars. It was great. I mowed lawns too (But my dad always had to come start the mower for us
Yup, same here, mowed lawns,
Yup, same here, mowed lawns, did what I could to earn some money.
Skids have no life skills
Skids have no life skills either. Guess they will live with BM forever.
Oh boy. You are my mirror
Oh boy. You are my mirror image.
and I for one am sick of hearing "well, she is only 14."
Give me a break, I raised a very successful 22 year old and am easing a successful 15 year old.
at some point, you have to realize it is also the stepkids fault as well.
You did say a positive. You
You did say a positive. You have earned a cookie.
Have the same exact problem.
Have the same exact problem. My SD15 can't even wipe off a stove properly and can't wash a dish without leaving food on it. My SS12 doesn't understand the concept of wiping up spills, washing dishes after he's dirtied them, and after all these years, still licks his fingers instead of using the napkins that sit inches from his face. As soon as dinner is over, these two run upstairs without even helping to clean up anything. At least SS12 offers to help with dinner though, since he likes to cook. Princess SD15 just goes upstairs and waits to be called down to dinner.
We tried giving them an allowance for doing chores, but they did such a half-ass job and had to be reminded constantly, that we just stopped.
PrincASS15 and PigPen12 (the
PrincASS15 and PigPen12 (the PussyBoys) can barely use the microwave, much less do any other chore. Total crock of shizzit. My parents had us picking up our toys as toddlers. First "big girl/boy" chore was drying silverware at age 4. By the age of 12, all of 5 of us could cook a multiple course meal for the entire family.
The PussyBoys will be lucky to not have to buy a new microwave every facking year.