FMSL's Blog
SD12 Caught Red-Handed......
BUT, I'm the only one who sees it....of course! For no other reason than, I'M THE SM.
This is the SD12 who, over the past 7 years has done the following (List is not all-inclusive):
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No Man/Woman Would be Worth This
Looks like Ben Afleck will be single soon. And for all you men, Jennifer Garner will too. How does it sound to have 3 skids under age 9 all over again? There was a time when I might overlook that "little" part of the bargain. But not anymore. I've wised up. This experience has jaded the hell out of me forever. lol
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Can't Win
Why the hell is it that every single parenting item just HAS to be an argument...but ONLY when it comes to SD12?? I can say/do/teach the exact same thing to BD and DH doesn't even bat an eye...but I try the same parenting lessons on SD and suddenly it's none of my business. We've had SD fulltime for over 6 years and I still can't give DH any input on how to parent the kid. So, that's why I've disengaged, even as a full-timer. Oh, and I raised my own BD25 so I have many lessons learned from my parenting experience.
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SD Who Cried Wolf
I'm the one who has the SD12 that sprained the tiny tip of her ring finger. That was almost 2 months ago. So 2 months ago, on the day that SD's friend supposedly stepped on her poor wittle finger, we spent hours in the ER with her and she wound up with a full arm cast all the way up to her elbow! It was a finger tip. Her friend stepped on the tip of her finger! A week later, they removed the ridiculous cast and put on a finger splint. The splint would have been more than sufficient in the first place! BUT NOOOOOO..... DH wants to make sure that SD's little tippy finger heals correctly.
SIL Hypocrisy
Karma is really going to kick my ass again because I can't stop wishing SIL would become a SM. This woman's life couldn't be more perfect with her 2 bios, 1 marriage, no steps. But of course, she feels emboldened enough to criticize and judge the step life we live as a complicated blended family. What bothers me is the complete hypocrisy as she is constantly begging others to "please recognize the child crisis!! We're in a crisis where so many children need foster families!!
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Parenting Styles DO Matter!
This is a vent, not a request for advice, but I'm willing to hear anything you all have to say. Earlier there was a post about whether 2 different parenting styles can work. I'm at my wit's end with the differing parenting styles of me & DH. I tell him straight forward how I feel about certain limits for kids (BOTH SD and BD) and the moment I leave the room, he will contradict and do the exact opposite of what he knows I firmly think is wrong for the kids!
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Conspiracies, Really?
SD12 has lived with us fulltime for many years. The closer she gets to the teen years, the more I notice things go missing around the house, or she's hiding something. Always. Mostly small things like my art supplies, soda, a cutting board (yeah, I know!) Yesterday, I couldn't find a DVD. I looked everywhere and asked DH to help look. I was annoyed in general about losing the DVD so I made a passive aggressive remark that "A lot of things have gone missing in this house lately." I didn't come right out and say it but DH knew I was referring to SD taking things.
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One More Reason...
There's nothing like a fulltime skid with ODD to give me another reason why I really don't give 2 fux about Mother's Day! I feel extraordinarily free today!
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Should a 12 yr old need a Babysitter?
I have a BD25 so it's been a long while since I've dealt with a Tween. SD12 is still in after-school-care programs. It's expensive. Half the time, she doesn't go there and other times, she should REALLY be at the library instead, given her failing grades. My BD25 was babysitting other kids when she was 12. Maybe I'm old fashioned now but kids these days seem to never ever mature!!
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Strange SD. Strange.
Me and BD4 were walking outside when we saw SD12 walking toward us coming home from school. It was so weird. When she saw us, she suddenly got a strange blank look on her face as if she didn't recognize us. She does this sort of thing all the time so it's not really a big deal but it's so annoying that whenever I see it, I have to say something.
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