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FMSL's Blog

Men with Babies LOL

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DH and I were looking out the window and a neighborhood kid was outside with her pet bunny. A bunch of other kids started to surround her so they could look at the rabbit. I commented that she's getting a lot of attention because of her rabbit. DH said, "Yep, just like a man with a baby. A man with a baby knows he will get the attention of a bunch of women." Without even pausing to think before I talked, I said, " Men with babies are NOT cute. Things are different nowadays. Women see a man with a baby and they run."

SD & DH Both Need a Wake up Call

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I already know this is a "DH problem," but still, it's time for SD to start responding to the many life lessons we've both tried to instill. Problem is, DH will teach, but never enforces on a consistent basis. My full time SD12 has never been anything but a disrespectful, manipulative, lazy jerk. Like I've tried to tell her over and over, at her age, it's time to start taking initiative to help out around the house (simple stuff like clean your own space and maybe wipe the counters after she puts crumbs on them) and to start being accountable for her actions.

Not a Hill to Die on, But....

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This is definitely NOT the hill I am going to die on, but, it is annoying enough that I need to vent a little. We have SD12 full time, yet I'm rarely "allowed" to parent her. I tried long ago to be a "real" mom to her and teach/correct in all the same ways that I did with BD25 and I am now doing with BD4. But, I've backed off because I've learned my lesson long ago that I'm not the "real mom" to SD12.

Spring Break with SD

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We have SD12 full time. We have a trip of a lifetime planned for spring break. I should be so excited for this but instead, I'm already stressing about SD. With her in school all day, at least I get a few hours break from her but being trapped in planes/trains/automobiles with her takes the fun out of it. She carries this dark cloud full of attitude and disrespect. The list of reasons why I resent being a full time step keeps growing. Vacations are not really vacations.

Just Curious

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One of my past co-workers, who was single, beautiful, happy, fitness guru, successful, (did I say single & HAPPY?)....She was the LAST person anyone expected to actually tie the knot and settle down! She finally surprised everyone and got married 2 yrs ago. To a gorgeous, fit, awesome man.....divorced...with 2 young kids...


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If I mention this to DH or SD12, they will freak the F out! So....I will tell it here (sorry) DH has been trying (hahah trying...NOT, but he claims he is) to parent SD and hold her accountable for doing the most minimum of things around the house. I'm in a real catch 22. If I dare to impose even a minor rule or enforce the few rules we have for SD, then I will catch all kinds of Hell for intervening. At the same time, I always get stuck with picking up the extra slack that an able-bodied 12 year old should really be doing.

Failure to Communicate

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My DH is not good at communicating. No, he flat out sucks at communicating. He's terrible at communicating with anyone when it comes to personal situations. I know he CAN communicate. He's a very effective communicator at work, but with family and friends...terrible. BM is also horrible at communicating. First, she's just plain dumb and second, she's a ghetto-rat felon. BM can't put the simplest adult thought into a clear sentence. Consequently, SD12 is a horrible communicator. She has both genetics and environment going against her. It drives me absolutely crazy every day.

What a Waste

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We have SD12 fulltime. BM has made zero contact in over 2 years now. Before that, only 3 short visits. So obviously, we provide 100% fulltime financial and emotional and every other support. And of course, I feel sorry for this poor kid Every Single Day. So DH buys new schools clothes like every other month for her. She has lost countless expensive sweaters, coats, and shoes and we always foot the bill. SD has several different outfits and jeans...YET, she insists on wearing these god-awful pastel blue stretch pants every single day that she wore as a 10 year old.
