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How long do you think it took for BM to

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

violate the order of protection we just got? If you guessed less than 5 minutes, you would be correct.

DH was able to get an Order of Protection against BM to take immediate custody of the SDs. It is only good for 10 days. It literally gives our attorney 10 days to get everything together and schedule an immediate hearing. BM was ordered not to call or come within 500 yards of us. Well, they went ant took the SDs from her to bring them to us. It wasn't five minutes later, that DH got the first of many calls. So, when they brought the SDs to us, we reported her violation. I guess she doesn't realize that this is all just documentation.


luchay's picture

LMAO - I can beat that! We come out of the courtroom after the intervention order is granted (saying he cannot commit violence, harass or intimidate me in any way) while waiting in the foyer for the paperwork he starts intimidating me straight away.

Some people are just that stupid.