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I'm preparing to run away!

lmarie5472's picture

Winter is a curse! Come on spring time, sunshine and playground time. I must get these kids out of my house. The inside of my home can't take much more. These kids are driving me crazy. ALL OF THEM. The needfulness, the fighting, the tattling, and the bathroom stalking. It all has to stop! I just need some ME time, and some ME and MY MAN time.

I'm selfish, I admit it.

Since my boyfriend moved in with me, it's been kids taking over every room in my house; every minute of every day! Between the two of us, we have 5 kids ranging from 5 to 13 years in age. Then to top it all off, since I have "Cool Mom" status, I have 1 or 2 extra kids from the neighborhood running around.

I'm fed up.

Apparently, I failed to teach my kids how to share... My 12 year old and my 5 year old are fighting over who's matchbox car is who's. In about 3 minutes, I'm going to own about 300 little metal cars all to myself. Soon after, I will be giving my boys a quick lesson in sharing because I plan on giving half to the Waste Management Man!!

I can't even go potty without a little voice on the otherside of the bathroom door, "mommy, whacha doin?". The tattling and the fighting is bad enough between my own two. Then mix in my boyfriend's kids and I have a house full of chaos! I'm pretty good with controlling the tempo, however each and everyone of them are old enough to know how to behave themselves without control or supervision every second of the day. Every five minutes the younger ones are complaining that they are thirsty, hungry, bored, but never sleepy! They always want to be up my ass and in my lap 24-7. (my kids and his kids, both) Grrr "Go be your own persons, kids'... c'mon!" There is no reason why they need to be in the same room as me and fussing with each other. My house is 2700 square foot with 4 bedrooms, and 2 family rooms... An X-box, a Wii, a Playstation, a computer room and a game room. I have 5 TV's all bigger than 32 inch! I'm tired of watching, Nick, Cartoon Network and Disney.

Don't get me wrong, none of them are bad kids. The rules are pretty much followed. I love them all the same and none of them get more attention than the other! They get separated from one another when trouble has found them, toys get taken away, priveleges get revoked... We have done it all when they have gotten out of hand. On the weekends from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., We don't mind the noise level and spending time as a family... We devote all that time to cooking, cleaning, playing and sharing. But after a long day at the office, after dinner and homework; I want quiet, I want a bubble bath, I want to watch NCIS and House! I want peace of mind and I want to snuggle up with my love. But the kids just don't get it and they bust in wanting to lay with us or have some other reason to keep me and their father from relaxing.

So, we are running away to Cancun in about a month (WITHOUT THEM) and I don't feel guilty one bit!!


Shell97's picture

Have fun! It is great to get away from the kids every now and then. DH & I use to think that we had to take our kids on every vacation or night out...but have come to realize over the years that we as a couple need some time to reconnect with each other and not have our kids bugging us the entire time. So enjoy your time away and have fun!