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Brief blog, only leaving here for a few hours.

luchay's picture

So, I posted a few weeks ago about my shock baby news, only left it up for a few hours as well as I felt that given all the risks it was too early and I was tempting fate.

We lost our baby a week and a half ago.

I am devastated, which feels strange, because it wasn't a planned baby, we are WAY too old to be doing all that again (I am 47 he is 49) It has just been a rollercoaster lately and I am not coping well.

Today I had to book an ultrasound to check "for any retained products of conception" and it has completely undone me. It's so cold and clinical, that's my baby they are talking about.

Sorry. A bit emotional.

OH has been a rock. Sort of Smile feeble smile, I don't think men get it really.

It happened on a skid weekend. I told him BEFORE he picked them up (hours before) that I was bleeding and scared. I thought he would tell BM that he couldn't get them, but no - precious little poopsies HAD to come. So the following day I knew it was happening for sure (pain and heavier bleeding) I told him that, and arranged for him to take my kids to dancing and his out for the rest of the day. While I would have like him here for support I didn't want them here as well. So, they were out from 12ish to about 9.30pm. Came in all in a bother - frantic and urgent - SS11 had stubbed his toe and needed immediate medical attention - I was despatched to get the Dettol, cotton wool etc to clean him up, "find the bandaids" blah blah blah.

Because, you know I was just lazing around on the couch - of course SS11's stubbed toe was WAY MORE IMPORTANT than me losing our baby, than me being in pain etc.

I don't think he really even registered that it was kinda hurtful to me.

But apart from those two things he has actually been great. He really stepped up when we found out about the baby, was supportive (we were both scared - lots of reasons to be - medical issues, genetic testing, our age, money, the instability of our family already) but we were also excited - an "ours baby"! He has been a lot more considerate of meeting my needs, taking into account how I feel and what works for ME as well as him and the skids - take Monday, the skids normally come here Weds afternoon til 9.30pm, but this week SS11 has gone to camp today. Tuesday (yesterday) was a public holiday here; OH works from 5am til 5pm or later most weekdays; my kids have dancing every night of the week for 1-4 hours.

So Monday he texted me that he was going after work to visit the skids so he would see SS11 before camp. I was going to be out til almost 9 so no drama.

I texted back "no problems, thought you would see them tomorrow"

He then texted me "yes, that would be better for me, been a long day - I will ask BM if I can get them for the afternoon instead of Weds"

I replied "We are having butter chicken for tea will they eat that? Weds is DD9's birthday, I would prefer tonight but am ok with either as long as they'll eat the chicken!" (skids are incredibly fussy and dd9 was hoping for SD to be at her birthday - no party this year because we went to Disneyland in Sept so she wants there to be more people there at least Smile )

So, he went with what was better for me - saw them Monday night while I was out - everyone was happy.

Previously he would have just gone whenever, with no word, come home when he pleased and if I dared ask what time he would be home would get "I won't be late!!!" which to me is a passive aggressive pissy way of NOT answering and saying "screw you"

But we have talked recently (a lot!) about how if I have information then I feel secure and knowing what's going on makes me feel more comfortable. And also that when he is planning these extra trips out to visit them - or to even go see his mum in the nursing home - whatever - he used to ALWAYS pick Tuesday - the ONLY night of the week I am home before 6pm. Its our one night of the week to just be NORMAL and spend a proper evening together, and he would ALWAYS go visiting on that night and get home whenever!

So I pointed out that its the only night we get to be together, that he could go visiting any other night - Monday, Thursday and Friday I don't get home til nearly 9 - I don't have a problem with the visiting - its the time he was choosing to do it - I would be more than happy for him to be out the same nights I am - I much prefer that than having him sit at home alone while I'm out.

At first he thought I was being controlling, trying to run everything, stop him seeing his kids and mother - all the usual crap.

I think he gets it now - that's it's not controlling to ask what time he'll be home when he goes out unexpectedly, that's it's not about him not seeing them - just the Timing.

Oh well. It has been a full on few months, I am exhausted, emotionally and physically. Will delete this later.


oneoffour's picture

I am so sorry. Your little baby is in Gods arms playing with all the other 'missing children' like my little one. Protect yourself and take care of yourself. Let OH know that this event has changed you even if the logic of the situation makes sense. I still mourn the loss of my baby at 12 weeks. This was 30 yrs ago. Granted, I would not have my 3 younger children but still .... I wish I could wrap you up and cocoon you from the world for a while. Maybe plant a tree or get a crystal to hang in your window ... just because.

IslandGal's picture

Oh Luchay!! I am so very, very sorry for your loss!!

Good to see your DH starting to support you and be considerate of you. I'm going to be positive and confident for you that he'll keep it up Smile

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

^^^^^Very sweet, oneoffour^^^^^^^

Thinking of you tonight, luchay......God Bless

~ Moon

luchay's picture

Thanks ladies, yes - every time I log on lately - a miscarriage or an unexpected baby. It's got my head all in a whirl for want of better words, and everywhere I go there are pregnant tummies, and newborn babies. I guess they were always there but I am just hyper aware of them right now.

We didn't tell anyone (thank God, I would hate the thought of SD14 and BM knowing) We have talked a lot - about how things are "the same" as they were before but that they will never be the same again. About how with miscarriage it's that future hope you are grieving for - not the person particularly - but that baby, the chance to go through that with him, to be there together at it's birth, to watch him cradling our newborn, the firsts and experiences we will never get to have because that baby is gone. Things if you had asked me 2 months ago I would have been fine with never having. That's I guess what seems so stupid about how I feel!

I like the crystal idea, or a tree. I was thinking I wanted to buy some small baby item - some sort of precious thing - just to keep as a memory of my little one.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Sending hugs your way. I lost a baby 25 years ago. Hubby got me pregnant back then. Then we lost the baby. He will still bring it up to this day. He remember the names and everything. Says things like "I bet we would not of broken up all those years ago if our baby had lived."

Sad events happen. They stay with you forever. Hugs

luchay's picture

Hey honey, glad you are doing ok, you are right - talking about it helps - acknowledging that this little person existed outside of OH and I. I hope you are managing and taking care of yourself I think your OH seems pretty supportive anyway.

To be fair to OH I don't think he really "got it" when I told him I was bleeding on the Friday, or even on the Saturday morning when I was trying to tell him what was happening - I think he was thinking that it was still possibly ok and I just needed to rest up - that night after we dealt with the painful life or death toe situation and I had a chance to tell him it had happened he seemed shocked. And really pulled up his big boy pants from then on. And to be fair - my kids would still have been here anyway. I think the worst bit really was the toe for me, which sounds SO silly.

I have to have the ultrasound as mentioned above - and he said he wants to be there. I don't know about that and the time I've booked I know he can't make but the more I think about it the less fair on him that seems. So I guess I will change it.

luchay's picture

OMG - I can so relate to the midwife story.

When we had our first appt with the GP her first comment was "so do you want to keep it!"

She was pretty negative the whole time, OH came out of there really scared (with cause as it turned out but she could have had a better bedside manner)

So when I went back for the next appt and told her about the miscarriage first words out of her mouth were "are you happy about that?"

What the fuck!

No. Strangely enough, despite all the negatives we actually wanted it!

I am so sorry - your ex sounds an insensitive jerk! What an awful thing to say.

Just me in a big pool of fish's picture

Thinking of you luchay, hugs being sent to you. Love the idea of planting a little tree in your garden, you will always remember your little one, god bless x


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost a baby 20+ years ago now. I was 17 at the time so it was so scary. I can tell you, you will remember your little one and the experience. It gets easier to deal with as time goes on but you still hurt.

I'm glad your hubby has finally gotten it. I went through 2 miscarraiges the year before our daughter was born, I only told DH about 1.

I have friends who have been through this repeatedly too and they all have a certain time a year they get together and light a candle, let go of a balloon. Just the togetherness helps. HUGS