At Wits End
I have NO IDEA why I get so wound up about SD11-soon-to-be-12. I'm a full time SM and every damn thing she does just gets on my nerves. She never speaks in full sentences. Just grunts. One word sentences is all I ever hear from her. She's dirty as hell. Nasty. Leaves sticky grime all over the cupboards, doorknobs, and light switches DAILY. I keep cleaning them. She leaves torn up paper scraps all over the floor. Hair everywhere. Unflushed toilets. Never ends!!!
So, I hate myself for getting so upset and so uptight and so wound up over her stupidity and never ending need to be 4 years old again.
My SD11 would rather play with a 4 yr old than someone her own age. AND she takes the lead of the 4 year olds instead of playing "big kid." I'm the only one who sees it so I am the bad guy and I'm SOOOOO hateful. Where is BM??????? Dating????? Stealing from others to make her life great and easy???
Sorry but when I was 11, I was hoping to get in on adult conversations and try to understand the "big adult world." This kid has zero interest. And DH will defend her to the death. He believes SD is helpful by shutting herself in her room and doing absolutely nothing! That's not helping--that's avoiding!
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You need to crack the whip
You need to crack the whip with SD and DH. I would be damn, if I had to clean up after a soon to be 12 year old. At that age, she should pick up, clean up and have chores. I know I did at that age.
At least she makes "noises".
At least she makes "noises". Mine never talk.
I would not be able to stand the bad hygiene. You need to address this with DH. Stop picking up after her and tell him he has to do it.