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Eww, very gross

happygolucky's picture

As I've said before I don't get a long with SD14. I'm fed up with her lying, stealing and her attitude. Her recent drop in grades has made BD wake up a bit and see that his pudgy little princess isn't quite the saint he thinks she is. He's now on to her lying and stealing. That was a bit of a vindication for me - I'm not "just being mean." I was naive to think that it wouldn't, COULDN'T get any worse than stealing money from my purse, stealing her dads phone, stealing my phone, stealing my makeup, stealing BD1's piggy bank, lying when we catch her with it IN HER HAND, and the bad grades... It got worse. I lost it, and I don't mean my temper or my mind. What I found in SD14's room made me toss my cookies. She's never been real fond of proper hygine. Her room smelled like roadkill in August. I have found the source of it. While searching her room for my credit cards (which I found) I found an entire drawer of used nasty maxi pads, complete with maggots and flies. I don't know how long they were there, or why she felt the urge to keep them. I called BD at work. Thankfully he was leaving early to come home. We waited for SD14 to get home from school and confronted her. Of course I'm a terrible horrible awful person for invading her privacy by going through her drawers when I had no right to do so *according to SD14.* When confronted with the credit cards that were found in her room she said she found them and was going to return them to me that night. How convenient, she "found" them in my bedroom, in my closet, in my purse, in my wallet. Gee what was I thinking! I was being so careless to leave them there. I reminded SD14 that privacy was now something she had to earn, it was no longer given freely. To make an already long story short we drug the dresser out in the lawn and made SD14 throw away all the nasty maxi pads and everything else in the dresser. Thankfully the trash men came today and took the dresser, there was no cleaning that stench out of it.

Has anyone else every had to deal with anything like that?

ChaiLatte's picture

No and I hope I never do! That's horrible. Did she offer any explanation why she was collecting used maxi pads? Have you considered she may need professional help? What did her father have to say about the whole thing?

"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."

happygolucky's picture

She is already seeing a Psychiatrist. Any further help would involve comitting her *hmm, not a bad thought!*

Elizabeth's picture

SD16 is like this. While she lived with us, one of her jobs was to take out the trash Wednesday am. One week I guess she missed trash day, and DH had told her that if she did that again, she'd better just put the trash in her room. He didn't MEAN it, but she took it literally. Every time I came up the stairs it smelled bad. It took me a couple of days to narrow the smell down to SD16's bedroom. Turns out she'd stashed the trash in her closet, and by this time it had been there for almost a week. Take hot weather, trash that contained food and sanitary items, and a confined space. NASTY! Worst of all was that SD16 seemed not to be bothered by it at all. Ugh.

reeny511's picture

My SD is 10 and we find all kinds of gross things in her room. But this takes the cake! Now I'm worried that when she finally hits puberty what am I in for??!! gross!

ohnoyoudidnt's picture

***Raises hand***

SS has been stealing for many years now. BS & BD's money. Anything that "looks interesting" in our room. We finally had to buy a safe. All the jewlery is in there along with anthing we think he could stick in his pockets.

The problem is where to hide the kitchen knives when he comes over. I have had a steak knife missing out of the block for over a year now being that his new thing is kinves.

SS has left dirty socks in his dresser though along with whatever else he can find that is garbage. I swear he does it just to piss me off??

Never a failure...Always a lesson

happygolucky's picture

I hope we don't have to start hiding the knives. I already hate living like this.

Amazed's picture

My brother used to leave used condoms in his bedroom drawer. I was a snoopy little sister and found them one time on one of my "treasure hunts". I started screaming my head off and my mother runs in and saw what I found and was so disgusted...I almost felt sorry for my brother.

But what your SD is doing with the pads reminds me of that movie Girl Interrupted...remember the character Daisy? She used to keep roasted chicken carcasses under her bed til she had 6 then she would throw them away...weird.

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland

Jbee27's picture

YES! I remember that! I love that movie. I still can't listen to that song "The end of the world" without getting teary eyed!
Some kids just don't have good hygene. I've caught Tortoise scratching his "nether regions" and then putting his hands in his mouth or smelling his fingers. GROSS!

Amazed's picture

boys are nasty. my cousin used to fart then stick his head between his legs. Ick. just plain old Ick.

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland

Jbee27's picture

FH grosses me out sometimes. I'll catch him picking at his ear or nose and then putting his fingers in his mouth. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
That's why I refuse to kiss him until I am able to PHYSICALLY WATCH him brush his teeth and rinse his mouth out. Why are guys so sick??!?!?!

Amazed's picture

no idea, my husband is a nasty bitch too. They're like dogs. Nothing is gross to them

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland

Jbee27's picture

But yet, this is the same nasty MF'er who doesn't want to kiss me after I've "performed" for him.....if you know what I mean.

Amazed's picture

little hypocrite. shame on him.

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland

Jbee27's picture

Why do you think I pin him down when I'm done and force and smooch on him. HAHAHAHAHA! I can be just as evil.

Amazed's picture

you ARE evil:) Wink

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland

Jbee27's picture

Hey...he's the one that eats his ear wax. I don't see how kissing "penis breath" is any grosser. Hmph! Damn hypocrite.

Jbee27's picture

Well, once we get on a subject that I get fired up about, I can't shut up! lol

Sara_Smile22's picture

No, not exactly that nasty....though we do have a hound dog that likes dirty eat as a light snack....barf. Personally, if I walked down a hallway to the bathroom, knowing I was having my period and seeing that the dog has dragged MY used tampons out into the hallway, I'd pick them up myself. Obviously by the dramatic build up I just did you already know, SD 17 just walks on by. It certainly isn't HER fault the dog dragged them into the hallway, so be damned if she'd stoop to pick them up...that's a job for the peons in the household to do not the princesses.

happygolucky's picture

Ah yes, you're the hired help of the house too? I am at my house, but unlike hired help, I don't get paid.

Sara_Smile22's picture

I have to mention here though...the GROSSEST behavior my SD 17 has, and she has several actually, but the worst by far is she gets in this mood to not flush her own toilet sometimes. Every member of our household...all six of us have at one time or another flushed her turds and piss. It irks me to no end....DH has EVEN TRIED TO minimize that one. Hell...I haven't flushed a toilet for my kids since they were 3 years old...WTF????!!!

belleboudeuse's picture

Wow, I second the "Maybe she needs psychological help" thing.

That seems somehow pathological. Hoarding your used maxi pads?

I think I would discuss taking her to a counselor about this.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

2Bloved's picture

Do you guys own any dogs? My friend puts hers in a wicker basket on her bathroom counter b/c the dogs will get in to it otherwise. I didn't know this, thought they were tissues, and grabbed one. YUCK!! I thought the closed lid trashcans would work, but damn dogs can open those too, so I had my own mess to clean up all over the hallway. So now, I have to walk it downstairs to the outside trash. Maybe your SD is just being lazy..??

Even at my own house, I had to either keep the door close, or dispose of them up high or outside.

happygolucky's picture

I don't see how that is lazy. She would take them from the bathroom, wrap them in tissue (sometimes) and cart them off down the hall to her bedroom. The lazy thing would be to just throw them, unwrapped in to the bathroom garbage. That would still be gross, but better than having a collection of nasty in her bedroom.

drkstr's picture

OMG I thought i was the only one with a nasty beast in my house. My SD 12 has not been using the pads i buy her she just likes to bleed into her clothes and then stuff them under her bed or in her drawers, then eventually when she is forced to clean her room she brings them to the laundry room for me to deal with. I have had enough of her nastiness and went off on her dad because of the continued hygiene nastiness. She has had talks with both her father and myself about hygiene and i know they teach this stuff in school as well. We had to sign the papers for her to go. I know she wears a pad at school i find them bloody and in her panties still attached in my laundry. But i guess if she is here she feels she can get away with making a bloody smelly mess and im the one who has to clean it up. Ya know hating her just gets easier. Daddy wanted to buy her all new panties because all of hers are stained and nasty. Trouble with that is she did this purposely, and i refuse to let him. I bought her 12 new pairs of panties when school started this year and i will be damned if we just throw them away because he refuses to see she does this S&*% on purpose. I told him from now on when i find it he is cleaning it up so he talked to her again. And i told her the next time i find it she will be scrubbing all of her clothes by hand and if the stains dont come out TOOOO BADDD go to school and let all the little creeps you hang out look at your blood and see how wonderful they think you are them. We will see this month how that goes.

Gracefulsilver's picture

You are not alone.  My SD15 is a filthy foul creature, even pigs are cleaner than her.  She leaves her used pads lying around the bathroom. She leaves blood on the toilet seat when she has her period.  She shaves her legs in the kitchen using a soup bowl full of water instead of a sink.  She steals and wears other people's underwear.  She does not dry her laundry completely instead leaving it in a wet pileso they begin to mildew and wears moldy smelling clothing all the time.  She uses the living room as her bedroom and leaves her underwear and socks lying about the house including on the kitchen table.  And if I say anything about it I'm just picking on her and being mean.  I am so sick of her drama and foul behavior

Rags's picture

Sounds to me that it is time to put locks on most of the doors and cabinets, turn her room into the dump for all of her garbage, when she spuges on the toilet seat buy a new one and put the old blood covered one on her bed, past the used pads all over the walls, doors and furniture in her room, and keep on depositing her crap in her room until daddy has no choice but to see the truth regarding his pig spawn.

Start posting grade reports on a cork board above DH;s dresser.

Lather, rinse, repeat.  Until he gains clarity and does something about actually parenting.