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My Evil Thoughts on Making my Summer Enjoyable

step off already's picture

SS14 is off at BM's for the second of his three - two week extended stays for summer visitation with his mother. Typically we do two weeks on/off and that lasts for most of the summer, however, this year SS will be starting a new school and will be off to school two weeks early. So he will arrive back from his final two week visit with his mother and then will start school the following Wednesday!

SCORE! That means I don't have to deal with him around the house for two extra weeks as he'll be off to school.

That means that after this particular visit with his mother is over, I only have to deal with him for two weeks Smile (then back to BM's then school starts).

Now, here's the evil part...

I can also send him off to his aunt's for 5 days. He would like to go visit her - actually chose that when given a hypothetical, "if you could do anything this summer, would it be A) Go somewhere special with your Dad, Dirol Go visit your aunt out of state or C) Go on a special trip with our family". It pissed me off a little that he chose his aunt over DH or our family, but that's fine.

...but I'll be the one footing the airfair bill and providing spending money, etc. which I'm not really thrilled to do (but I'll get to send the kid off for a while).

I'd rather use that money to go on a weekend trip with my kids while he's off at his mom's.

SS already complains that he misses out on everything when he's at his mom's, but... when given the choice, he doesn't choose us anyway.

What would you do?
