Why did I reproduce with such a total dickhead?
I keep my opinions about my BD11's father to myself for her sake. I can think anything I want but that is her father no matter what he does. I have 100% full custody and allow him EOW visitations as long as things are going well. He has never paid his CS on time, regularily, followed the CO about covering her medical, or even paying 50% of her unpaid medical. Yet I have always considered CS and visitation two seperate things and never let one effect the other. But today he really got my goat so to speak. He got a new job (he likes to skip around, he gets bored easily lol) but he is actually making decent money for a change and bragged all about this new job to me. I congratulated him (this was in front of my daughter) and told him I wished him the very best in his new career. So that was two months ago and since then ZERO in CS payments. I contacted CS and let them know I'm not getting anything and they stated they have sent his employer the wage witholding letter but until they start that he is responsible to make his payments, well he hasn't. I am not struggling without the money but it is the summer and BD11 is doing a lot of stuff and he should help with her expenses. So he calls her today to say hey and tell her about this charter fishing boat he's been on all day and how much fun he's having at the beach!!!!!!!!!!! Really? You can't send your child support but you can go on a charter fishing boat! This dude lives on his mama's couch, has a car dating back to the same year I graduated high school so no payment, no bills, and instead of paying his one bill, he goes to the beach! And I've been at home for the last 6 hours doing work I brought home, but he can go to the beach! It took A LOT to bite my tongue in front of my BD11 today. And I just want to say F YOU ex-H, I hope a shark eats you!
- Accordn2L's blog
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Oh come on, you can't
Oh come on, you can't suppoprt your child on $32.75 for three months! You should budget better, LMAO! OMG these jerks!
Isn't your daughter's dad
Isn't your daughter's dad engaged? Why would a woman want to marry a man like that? :?
Cause he's leaving out so
Cause he's leaving out so much information the girlfriend should have. So with the new job can you get the support reevaluated??
"But I have no idea what goes
"But I have no idea what goes on with them, so long as my kid isn't negatively affected by it I mind my own business."
If only all BMs were as tolerant and level-headed as you, this board would probably not exist! I wish you were our BM. I really do.
That's code for "I found an
That's code for "I found an idiot crazy enough to want me to play daddy to her kid (and any our future kids) even though I'm not willing to support the kid I already have."
Wait what? I bet it was a
Wait what? I bet it was a "fairy" tale vacation for the boys LMAO
Well I clearly want to hear
Well I clearly want to hear more about that! I have no issue with gay, straight, whatever, but this story I want to hear LOL
He just gets on my nerves
He just gets on my nerves with his being so irresponsible. But until the CSE system starts working more efficiently then he will never get his ass in gear.
He jumps jobs and works under
He jumps jobs and works under the table a lot so this past year he finally filed taxes for the first time in 9 years and was SHOCKED when I got his return. It wasn't much but he was so pissed. Get this, he had the nerve to call me and tell me to write him a check for that money because I "stole it from him" . I laughed so loud he hung up the phone. hahahaha