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How to get zombie kids off the couch

cloudySM's picture

My stepkids arent going out and playing with friends or doing any fun summer things unless we take them out. All they do from about noon to 3 in the morning is lay on the damn couch. They just sit there eating junk food all damn day. I tell them I'm about to watch tv they just say ok and still sit there mindlessly text or doodle while I'm watching tv like their glued to the couch. I work most the week. I'm tired of waking up to them plopped down on the couch and heading to bed with them still on the damn couch. DH works from home so he cant play with them all the time. The oldest is 12 the youngest is 8 they are old enough to play by themselves or go out back and play. We have a pool and a swing set. DH ask them if they wanna swim with him nope. Wanna run around with the dogs nope. wanna go to the park nope. They just sit there. Its starting to get on my nerves

DH needs to stop buying them junk their overweight. Its not cute or healthy and he's not helping.


Pinki3663's picture

We were not allowed inside the house on nice days. Kids should have enough imagination to find SOMETHING to do. They do not need someone to hold their hand. Lock them out of the house and tell them in 5 hours they will be allowed back in.

step off already's picture

My kids are lazy too. It's this generation. If they're not driven to an organized activity or a play place the. They must be "plugged in" to something.

I've tried to make my mission this summer to help the kids discover and explore outside.

I have them walk to the library, go tot the store, ride their bikes to the school - but it's a chore to keep kicking them out of the house.

We finally got ss14 to go meet his friend yesterday at 2. Told him to be back by 5. He blew it big time though and dh ended up getting in the car and picking him up at 7. Oh well. He just got his iPod and phone taken away again.

Live and learn. I'm sure he had fun and found some trouble. Lol. I still think that's better for him then sitting in front of the couch.

Just start kicking them out. Drive them to the nearest playground and tell them to pay attention because they have to walk back on their own. I just did this with my two youngest boys 9 and 10.

Yesterday dh and even went on a bike ride with the kids and showed them a big loop through the park and back to our house. It's like they need to be shown how to explore. Hopefully, they'll get the hang of it.