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Told off DH's friend because he tried to tell me I need to be a better SM

zerostepdrama's picture

Yep- got drunk and told off DH's friend.

I actually like this guy. I really do. He is one of DH's closest friend. He spends a lot of time with him. He is also the one that DH ran to for blankets (previous blog) when him and MSD were forced by evil wicked SM to sleep on the floor of a vacant apartment. }:)

Friday night we had friends over. Drinking and cooking out.

Friend brings up that basically I need to accept the skids. DH talks to him about it and the problems. Blah blah blah.

I told Friend, I do not want to talk about this. He keeps insisting on trying to convince me :? how I am wrong and how I need to embrace the skids.

So I basically just went the F off.. on friend but also on DH.

I am so sick of being judged on what kind of SM I am when DH is a half ass father. Oh and I let that be known.

I talked about every shitty thing that the skids have done to me. How they have lied, stolen, manipulated and caused trouble.

I talked about how DH parents when its convienent for him. How he is only a dad when its convienent for him.

How he sucks as a husband (that was mostly me drunk) and as a dad.

It was a lot of pent up anger and agression. I was def. the crazy woman that night.

Not proud of my behavior or how I reacted. I know it had a lot to do with my previous week being very stressed and of course drinking.

But I am so sick of DH's friends thinking he is some awesome Dad and it's ME that causes the issues or doesnt allow him to be a parent.

I have never nor would I ever keep that man from his children. I let him do whatever he needs to do with them as long as it doesnt include my home (since he cant parent them when they are here and keep their sticky fingers out of my jewerly and make up). If I choose to not have a relationship with those kids, then so be it. LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT IT.

I told everyone there and told DH, if you dont like it- DIVORCE me then.

I really blame DH. He is the reason we have these issues. He is the reason we are where we are. Because he is a poor communicator, a lazy parent and a lazy husband.

Not sure how I feel about everything. DH and I have been having issues for months now......


zerostepdrama's picture

Friend just kept trying to convince that I was wrong and try to relate his own "step" stories. (He has been with his wife for 28 years and he took on her 2 year old daughter.) Not the same situation as mine- AT ALL.

DH just acted all dumb and confused. As usual.

Other friends didn't hear the initial conversation but eventually did.

One friend agrees with me. He has been friends with DH for 20+ years so he knows more of the whole story then this other friend.

It was just DH's male friends that were there and they didnt really respond or say anything. I think they knew better. They know when they see a crazy woman!

thinkthrice's picture

Ask the guy, "I see you can do a much better job; how about having the skids over to your house for the next month or two?"

A few years back, my boss and his wife took biodad and me out to dinner. Of course biodad went on this big sob story about how his kids have PASed out and on and on. My boss felt sorry for him (boss is actually a stepdad with no kids of his own) and told him "don't worry your kids will come back in the end."

At first they thought I was the bad guy. As time went on and we met for company Christmas dinner, biodad started bragging and telling my boss and his wife that HE was the one who raised my son and had an influence for the good!! Ummm biodad had barely hit my front doorstep (a mistake that will live in infamy) when my bioson moved out. My boss told me he couldn't believe the arrogance and taking credit for having raised my bioson when it was nothing of the sort!! My boss literally told me: "No offense, but biodad is an asshole." I said "none taken and no kidding."

This is the SAME guy who REFUSED to parent his children when at my house and let them run absolutely wild!!

luchay's picture

LOL - I read this earlier today, and as soon as I read your OP it came back to me.

What a rude, arrogant man.

I am glad you stood up for yourself and told him exactly what you did. OTT - maybe but better than just being polite and never correcting his misinformation, and perhaps he'll learn to keep his big, opinionated mouth shut!