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Just found this out

Kimberlee's picture

Wow, it has been such a long tine since I was on this forum. Anyway, next weekend, DH and I will be going to Ga to see SD18 graduate. I just found out yesterday that SS16 will be coming back to SC to spend the summer with us. THis would not be an issue if 1. I am in the process of finding another teaching job and finding a summer one and 2. We were looking to move in August and We need to continue saving up. SS almost ate us out of house and home last summer. I have no idea how we survived last summer since BM did not supply us with any type of money. She used the child support money to get her and SD new phones and a laptop. Is it wrong of me to say something to DH. I would never want to deny him access to spending time with his son but this was just told to me yesterday. We are stretched as it is...

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, I would surely be upset!!! I agree...DH should check his papers for a CS reduction for SS being with him extended periods of time. I also agree with setting a budget. What I do in the summer is I buy certain food items, and make it 110% clear that that is what the kids have to make last for X days. There will be NO additional trips to the grocery store! BS19 used to be bad about just snacking all day long or eating huge portions of food. If he runs out of food before the next store trip...oh well! Let the fall back be something cheap like that he at least has something to eat. I'm sure if he got stuck eating Ramen for lunch for 2-3 days at the end of the week, he would learn to budget his kids did!

I also agree, at 16, the kid can get a summer job. Don't buy that "it is his summer visit, it should be fun" crap! Kids that live in normal home situations where they don't get bounced off to the other parent get summer jobs, so can he!

Kimberlee's picture

hmm, I will talk to DH about CS adjustments. He called a lawyer last summer about this same thing and they said that since it would not make a difference since it in only for a couple of months. That seems really weird to me. I thought that the money was supposed to follow the child. But what do I know? lol I was under the impression that SS was not coming this summer since he was going to play football. That idea went out the door because he failed a class and let GPA drop. So the "punishment" (BM words) for this is to spend the summer with us. I really hate that she says that. DH or SS do not care that she says it because they want it to happen. I will look into getting SS a job. I forgot that one of my students told me that the Y was hiring for the summer. He'll get a good start since my students are not out for another 2 weeks. Thanks for the budget idea guys!I will definatly be using this!

Rags's picture

CS is an annualized amount that the NCP pays to the CP on a monthly basis. This includes the NCPs time with the kid. That makes visitation time with the NCP a strain financially for many people as they pay CS and also pay to feed, clothe, entertain, etc... the visiting kid.

Not necessarily fair but that is how it is. My SS's Sperm Clan would complain every visitation about how expensive it was for him to visit. We would send SS with travel money in case he got stuck in an airport somewhere and needed something to eat, etc...

If he has cash when he got off of the airplane in Sperm Land they would have him fill their gas tank, pay for lunch, etc... so we quit sending him with cash. Instead we gave him a debit card for a joint account at our bank that was his primary account. My wife was on the account also. We would transfer money in to and out of that account so he had money when traveling but had ZERO as soon as he landed in Sperm Land. He would call us from the airport when he landed and we would zero out his account online and freeze any use of the card so that the Sperm Clan would keep their hands off of his money.

Kimberlee's picture

There is no schedule for the summers. Only a CO for child support . DH has been living in SC for the past 3yrs. GA was his home before that; BM and kids days reside there. I came in the picture 2 years ago(dated one married for one) I guess BM and DH decided verbally about this summer thing when DH was still living in GA. Ask I know is that he came down to SC last summer. He didn't come the year before that. I should have asked. It is selfish of me but I still have to look out for me right? I understand that he has children; I get that. But I have bills to pay here. I don't have the energy to make sure that SS is being provided for. That's BM and DH's job. I do sound selfish and a bit whiny too right? Can i chalk to up to not having any bio kids? Maybe not...Oh well lol