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why is this bothing me?

purpledaisies's picture

Ss16 called dh and wanted to spend some tine with dh and dh told him that we me and dh are in town and we can meet a a resturant. Ss16 said no he wanted it to be just him and dh so they set it up for a time that om at work.

This bothers me b/c i feel excluded on purpose and i have no right to with ss16 or he doesnt want me around or some timg. What shouldvi do tell dh how i feel but then he does have a right ro spend some 1 on 1 with him ugh!


oneoffour's picture

I think the kid should see his father alone. BUT... this should not be a permanent arrangement unless you are not brought up ass the subject and DH is not handing over handfuls of cash to the boy.

Do you think you have a right to see SS16? Morally, probably but legally you haven't got a leg to stand on.

I would tell DH that you hope he enjoys his meal with his son however you hope he is not about to hand over cash or make any agreements without consulting you first. I went thru the same thing a coupe years ago. At first I felt slighted but then I felt free from his crappy table manners and snotty attitude. But then I realised how peaceful my life is. As long as DH did nothing more than paying for the meal and anything else he discussed face to face with me I was fine with the situation.

purpledaisies's picture

I didnt mean legally or anything. I just meant that ss16 dint want me around fir some reason i dont dint understand why. He has never been mean to me and if he tried dh always cut him off and was in trouble. Guess its more of all of a sudden im excluded? It just kinda hurt

Annanymous's picture

My father always brought his girlfriend with him to see me this past year that he has been in my life. Lovely lady, but I just wanted to have a lunch just me and my dad, ya know? It wasn't anything against her, I just wanted him to spend time with just me and thought he sees her everyday all day and me he had not seen in 25 years, know what I mean?

As long as there is not a really bad history with SS (I havent read past blogs), I would say be glad he asked for what he was needing and I wouldn't think twice about it unless it was a constant thing.

I send my DH alone with SD and SD's sister for lunch at times (ages 12/15) every couple months or so. It really seems to mean a lot to them and isn't anything against me. I take DSD out once in a while for our special lunches without DH too once in a while.

Anon2009's picture

I agree with everyone else. I think it is important for dad and each of his kids to do something, just the two of them, every now and then. My dh does that with each SD and my dad and I sometimes do stuff where its just the two of us. And in this case, he may have questions for his dad about sex, girls, etc.

StickAFork's picture

I think a 16 year old boy should be ok talking to "just" his father. I'm pretty sure that happens in nuclear families, too.

Try not to take offense. Suggest maybe meeting up afterward for an ice cream or movie or something...see what he says then.

purpledaisies's picture

I just foujd out that he made it clear last night he wanted just them with out me. Dh tried to slide me in today but ss16 wouldnt jave ot.

And this not the same thing as not seeing dady for 25 years ss16bseesbdh a lot. With and without me so no its not like that. He exclueded me on purpose.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

I don't know. If it is OK for us SM's to exclude SK's and want time alone with our DH why can't the kids do this as well. I think it is important for them to have time alone with their parent. He could be going through something and just doesn't feel like being with you too. Does he know you real well? I wouldn't jump to conclusion just yet. Take a deep breath and remember your DH loves you. Let him be a dad when he needs to be.

purpledaisies's picture

My dh is a good guy b/c he tried to advoid it and have me there but ss made it clear he didnt wsmt me.

I think it is more that ss gets ti decide that im nit thrre and that is what upset me mist.

purpledaisies's picture

Seriously??? Its not about aline tine with dh and ss it was about how it was wehint about. Dh got it but u cant?? Why cant you!
Yes i know fh got it or he wouldnt have tried to include me today . He knows that how ss went about it was wrong and knew he was being rude to me.

But felt stuck so he set up for a time i was at work. I dint blame dh it was ss that was rude but dh didnt call him out on it.

I explained that to my dh and plans on having a talk with ss16.

herewegoagain's picture

What you say is "if it's ok for THEM to exclude me, then it's ok for me to exclude THEM...make sure honey, that your spoiled kids are aware that from now on, since they feel I am not part of their family and can exclude me, that if we do something at our home, regardless of what it is, I can also easily exclude them and there can't be any complaining about it." That should put it into perspective for your DH and his loser kids. If they still go through with it, be happy, from now on, all holidays or other special events or heck, any day that you are at home, you can demand they NOT come to your home as you want to spend alone/one on one time with ONLY your DH and people of your choosing.

PS - as soon as they complain about THAT and they will, your DH will see how selfish they are...

purpledaisies's picture

I dont mind them doing things just them with out me that is not the problem. The problem is tjat even when dh said he can meet ss16 on the day ss16 asked to meet up woth dh ss16 said no b/c i was with him and wanted to change the day knowing i would be at work.
That is why i was hurt i was purposely excluded for what ever reason nd it was rude and mean. For the record i dont exclude my ss on anything when they are here. I even PAID for them all to do to disney and they were ungrateful and rudw little shits about it.

And on top of that i feel as though a CHILD gets to decide that im not to be botheredbwith after evrything i have done for them.