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Oblivious and out of touch

Accordn2L's picture

My BD11 is in the 5th grade. She sees her father every other weekend, I have to drive her halfway which is about 45 minutes. He texted me and offered to pick her up from school today because he was off work, I should have known to just say no because anything out of the schedule he will find a way to jack it up. He just called me to say he was at school which does not let out for another hour and a half and is checking her out early to "beat traffic" and what's her teacher's name again. She has one teacher, one teacher since August and he can never remember the teachers name EVER. I said it's the same teacher she has had, well I forgot her name. I said do you know who her pediatrician is? No. Do you know who her dentist is? No. Do you know any important information that pertain to your child? He said I get her EOW and I don't "need to be bothered" with those type of details since you handle them. WOW

Just so you guys know, I'm buying the big bottle of wine on the way home today!

Accordn2L's picture

He knows how to push my buttons, that is for sure. Besides him screwing other women when we were married I was always annoyed that he didn't remember important stuff.

Accordn2L's picture

Is it just a man thing? I called my SO and said this is not a trick question and if you don't know it's fine but do you know my BD11 teachers name, and he said yes and said her name. If he can remember and it's not even his child then why can't her own father? I'm shocked he remembered what school she went to LOL

kalinda's picture

My ex is the same way, with the exception that he does not see my bios eow, he is supposed to but he doesn't, he sees them when it is convenient for him. He does not know their teachers names, their doctors names, he doesn't even know what size of clothes or shoes they wear. And no I do not believe it is just a man thing, yesterday my DH stopped at an outlet store on his way home, they had boys shorts at great prices, he bought BS12 & BS13 both a pair of shorts and a new t-shirt WITHOUT asking anyone what sizes to get and they fit the boys perfectly.

Accordn2L's picture

Very impressive! I doubt my SO could buy my daughter clothes but at least he knew who her teacher was.

zerostepdrama's picture

Yeah my Ex wouldnt know any of that stuff. Very same situation as you Kalinda. I guess since I have it all handled he doesnt need to know the other details? :?

bearcub25's picture

Honestly, he sees her 4 days a month, never on school days so he wouldn't have a need to know it. I can't remember my grandson's teachers name and I look at his stupid planner every few weeks. I do know its the same teacher from last year, she moved up to a new class.

Accordn2L's picture

I know this seems like a small thing to get annoyed over, it's just SO and I had a huge blow up earlier in the week over his retarded BM and now my Ex-husband is acting a fool.

Orange County Ca's picture

Men do leave those things to the mother. How about you create and print out a listing of all that pertinent information including your ex's name and phone as well as yours. Include any doctors etc.

Put your ex's on the list to prove its just a general information emergency contact list as opposed to your name alone which will tend to minimize his importance which he may take umbrage to.

Make several copies and tell him you're keeping one in your glove compartment and perhaps he should also as well as at home. Does the child take a regular bag with her to Daddies like a knapsack? Put one in there also and tell your SO if any where the home copy is.

Accordn2L's picture

Orange County Ca,

I'm not HIS mama and I will not take the time to write everything down when I have provided that information to him tons of times.

Orange County Ca's picture

You asked for help. Accept it for what its worth and use it or not as you see fit.

tabby yabba do's picture

My exH can tell you the start date and end date of every hunting season in our state and the one next door. He can tell you the due date of every hunting application and what is required for submission. He can recall every animal he's ever harvested, the where, when and how of each kill.

But he doesn't remember what clinic DD12 uses or when the last time she had her teeth cleaned or her best friend's name.

My DH can tell you all of the above, for his own kids and my DD12.

In my experience, it isn't a man thing. It's a selfish-person thing.

wth was I thinking's picture

My ex never knew what classes I was taking in college, what my grades were, what my work schedule was, my bosses name, my friends' names, anything.

Merry's picture

My ex never knew that stuff either, even before he was my ex. And then he would get mad because DD and I knew stuff that he didn't (like, uhm, her teacher's name, the days she had choir practice, real secret stuff like that--so secret that I posted it on the famly calendar that he couldn't be bothered to read). From the time that child was in kindergarten, she and I were conspiring against him. Why it took me 10 years to figure out I needed to get away from that crazytrain is beyond me.

Accordn2L's picture

I'm a very detail oriented person. So at the beginning of every month I do a calendar for my desk of all of my daughters appointments, sports practice, events, sleepovers, etc... I make a copy of this and mail it to him. I only do this because he is an hour away and I want him to still feel like he is a part of her daily life. So I guess that is why it pisses me off when he does this sort of thing.

morethanibargainedfor's picture

If you asked my SO he would have no idea of SD's teachers name, her psychiatrist or any of the 10 doctors that BM carts her around to.
We don't know alot of that stuff for 2 reasons. 1. We have her EOW. We have never had to pick her up from school or take her to a doctors appointment and most of the communication with school is done through BM. It has just always been that way. 2. BM takes her to so many doctors and specialists for fake illnesses that we stopped keeping track.
This does not mean we aren't involved. It just means that we are never in a position where we would need to know these things.

I think if this was a different generation then it would be normal. My parents are still together, I saw my dad every day of my life and he drove me to school and picked me up every single day. He would have absolutely no clue who my teacher was. He never knew when my birthday was and I bet you he didn't even know what grade I was in lol.
When I was born my dad dropped my mom off at the hospital and went home to watch my 3 brothers then came to visit me later. He went home and my mom stayed at the hospital by herself until it was time to go home.
Does this mean he wasn't involved in my life? Absolutely not. My dad and I were always and still are best friends.
Did I think he was a bad father and a deadbeat because he didn't know the name of my teacher? haha no! Who cares! My mom knew and she was the one who took care of all of those things.
IMHO, pick your battles. Theres nothing worse than being called a bad parent because of something so trivial. BM pulls this crap on us all the time and says we aren't involved enough because we don't know the names of every single one of SD's friends parents or something equally as ridiculous.

hereiam's picture

Some men cannot be bothered to remember certain things, some men really do have terrible memories.

My husband recently told me that when we were first friends, he would lay in bed at night, saying my name over and over so he would remember it. I thought he was joking. He wasn't. His brain is wired weird, though. Or maybe not wired at all!

Drac0's picture

Donkeykong is the exact same way. He can't remember any pertinent information regarding SS. Meanwhile, I know all of SS's teachers names except for one.

It's not that I don't remember it. the teacher has this long last name that I have no idea how to pronounce

Mrs. Tzentopulous (I'm not even sure if I am spelling it right). How does one pronouse the "Tze" portion of the name "Zuh"? "Tchuh"? "Teezee"? "See?" "Zee"?

Orange County Ca's picture

Greek? Google: How to pronounce Greek names. I think the ladies are right about it being a male problem. I can't remember a name two minutes after I've been told what it is. Only after repeated dealings with the person does it sink in.

I suspect its because men don't need to remember that stuff while hunting while women, often working and socializing together 20,000 years ago, needed to remember things like that to keep the fabric of society strong.

Women do many things better than men or we wouldn't keep you around and vice versa. As the study of the human brain gains momentum over the last 20 years its becoming more clear that the differences are important allowing half our species to specialize in certain tasks and the other half to do the other. Have you seen a man turn a car in a parking lot missing another car bumper by perhaps a inch while a woman won't try it with 4 feet to spare? Meanwhile a woman knows instantly that something is wrong with an infant just by the way it burps or smells.

Of course there exceptions to everything and people are among the best examples.

wth was I thinking's picture

"turn a car in a parking lot missing another car bumper by perhaps a inch"

I can do that. And it took me over a month to learn people's names when I started my new job. I somehow ended up with a male brain I think, because an infant crying just sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me, regardless if its hunger, pain, tired, happy, whatever, lol. :?