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update, and more worries about my dear S-boys.

MamaFox's picture

Well, strangely enough after my calling and informing the BM that we are in the process of moving into an apartment (Papa Fox has weird working hours so, I did it this time), HER husband, that I call Cazy Ass, picked up the phone and started talking to me. Our conversation was interesting, basically me and him figured out a new scedual for phone time with the boys and discussed the options we have when it comes to actual visitations.

Obviously I will be calling the lawyer and conforming all of this AND a court date to get this all on paper. Crazy ass even said he would do the same with their lawyer.

He doesn't seem so bad and even mentioned things he has read about CO-parenting, it's entirely possible he isn't so crazy after all.

Go figure, I might be able to have a civil working agreement with this guy.

My worries at this point are, that BM will just drop the boys off with us and leave them. Not that that would be terrible, but I worry about the kids emotional reaction to all of it. They have spent two almost three years with PAS and abandonment issues. Dad raises them full time for 10 years with little to no contact with BM (she missed most phone calls and 90% of visitations), she gets into a relationship and gets married and BAM, the new husband pulls shit and during what was supposed to be a sort of 6 month vacation, while FDH was helping his own father work the sugar shack and farm, and the new husband convinces BM to file for abandonment and the state yanks custody from FDH.

BM AGAIN repeatedly told me she wants me to be the s-kids "real Mom" before she dies. (Confirmed by doctors she is BPD and keeps telling me and FDH she has Lupus and Hep C)

It just seems like she is setting up to leave them with us for good.

Things are getting fishy.....


MamaFox's picture

It also seems like to me anyway, that since crazy ass works outside (tree trimming and lawn stuff, an actually needed job in Oklahoma with the storms) and its been raining slot so he is working less hours...less money, and they have three kids besides the s-boys, that they are being so accommodating because they can't afford two pre-teen boys.