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LOL update on SSstb14 Asking BM to get him early OR "Oh Poor BM

step off already's picture

You can read one of my earlier blogs to get background, but the gist is:

- ss has no school today
- he wanted to see if BM would pick him up early
- she would only do it if we met her half way
- DH said, "we'll just keep to the CO"

Today DH told ss to call his mom and see if she would meet earlier for the exchange as he was not busy (and frankly wanted to send SS off to BMs)

SS called.

BM called back 3 hours later stating that she could not possibly get him earlier because DH called the cops on her for breaking the restraining order (several weeks ago when she broke the RO with all of her texting) and she does not want to get in trouble by the police.

We explained to SS that BM can talk with DH regarding visitation, but she is not allowed to text him at will to call him names, express her opinions or anything else. And that her agreeing to an earlier pick up time and then meeting at the exchage spot a few hours early would not put her in any violation of the law.

DH even follow up with a text stating that he'd be happy to meet her earlier so let him know and if not, he'll just meet her at 7.

This woman is SUCH the victim.

"oh, poor me! If your dad hadn't called the police on me for breaking the RO, I'd be able to spend more time with you"

"oh poor me. If your dad would only agree to meet me earlier, you and i could spend more time together"

"oh poor me. if your dad wasnt trying to get child support from me, Id be able to fill out financial aid forms for you to attend private school?

... oh pooor BM!


step off already's picture

SS suggested/ asked if BM could pick him up early - Thursday instead of Friday, since SS had no school friday. BM would only do it if DH would meet half way - which he wasn't able to commit to at the time. (BM usually picks SS up directly from school on school days. But if school is out, she says it's "not safe" for her to pick up SS from the empty school, so DH agreed to meet her half way on non-school/ vacation days at 7 pm as an alternate. Its 4 hours later, but allowed him time to return from work, and go after traffic.

DH's schedule was much more open today than he anticipated so he told SS that he'd meet BM earlier if she was up for it.

Instead of meeting earlier (which apparently she was able to do last night), she stated that she would get in trouble by the police for breaking the RO.

Just another one of her ways to play the victim.

If it wasn't this, it would've been that she had no gas money to drive the extra 15 miles (which she would have been obliged to do if SS's school was in session)

Frankly, she's just pissed because she got the request from DCSS that she pay child support, half of SS's medical bills and provide health insurance for him. She probably got that today in the mail since we got ours yesterday and she is one county over.

Poor BM.