Sucker punch to the gut ends Christmas day
Nothing like a sucker punch to the gut to end Christmas day. DH called MIL and got his stepdad on the phone first and one of the first things out of his mouth is to bitch out DH because he doesn't call his mom enough. DH explained that he accepts phone calls on his phone as well as his mother but that wasn't good enough. His SD then asks him how he can charge his daughter (SD19) rent after she quit college, and DH explained that is what is wrong with kids these days, they want to suck off the tit too long. His SD ended it with saying DH has his head up MY ass so far he can't see straight. Nice sucker punch to the gut asshole. First he bitches that we never call and never visit and then he drives DH even further away. Sure, like DH is going to want to visit you now, knowing you blame everything that is wrong with your family on me, his wife. What a bunch of low life rednecks.I am not the reason DH doesn't visit his mother, you are asswipe. You stick your big nose where it doesn't belong. We do not have to explain to you why we run our home the way we do, we do not care to hear your opinion, keep it to yourself. If you want DH to visit you more often, shut your mouth once and for all. I have no idea how I got to become your family scape goat but I'm done with you all. I now have no doubt that I am correct in my detachment from you all. Truth be told, when i married DH it was me that pushed him to visit you, and call you. Now what you are seeing is me no longer telling DH to call or visit, you are seeing him do what he wants to do. he's a grown man and he makes his own decisions. Bite me.
- evilstepmotherJ's blog
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