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im a little upset right now

purpledaisies's picture

I've been cleaning like mad as I have family coming in for thanksgiving and will be staying at our house.

I cleaned the boys room from top to bottom and found all kinds of trash. I talked to dh and he had a talk with the boys.

So knowing that they went back to their moms and left the room trashed again. Ugh!

I'm glad dh is a good guy and understands he said he'd make them clean it. But they won't be back in time to clean it before family shows up. So that means I have to clean it again! Ugh


purpledaisies's picture

Dh works days. I work nights. He takes me to work and back. I hate driving at night. I always seem to get stopped. Lol

So I usually take care of everything in the house since he dies that for me.