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Poor BM Doesn't know When to Pick SS13 up from School

step off already's picture

BM is supposed to pick SS13 up directly from school on Fridays for her EOWe visit. Two weeks ago when I let the school know the days she was permitted to pick up SS, they let me know that she had called earlier that day to see what time school got out.

Fast forward to last night. SS is on the phone with her for their court ordered call. He comes into our room with the phone behind his back saying that BM wants to know what time to pick him up. DH looks at me, and I say "same time as always... same time as last time".

Then SS asks, "but what about xyzDay. Isn't it a short day?"

I respond, "BM can call the school like she did last week if she's unclear or has questions."

End of story.

The don't get out early that day.

I answered the question. If the answer isn't accepted, not my fault.

DH says it's just her way of bothering us (even though we have an RO against her) and gives her a way to then ask SS what we were doing, etc, etc.

Crazy B!

Perhaps instead of worrying so much about what me and DH are doing, she should buy her son some damned underwear.