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this "woman" makes me want to go Hulk on something

queenofthedamned's picture

BM has had quite the week. First, she dropped the skids off with no notice or warning Thursday morning after an overnight at her house, instead of getting them to school. Then, on Friday, when her weekend was to begin at 4pm, she texted FDH to tell him that she had to work and would pick the skids up Saturday morning (he nixed that idea, and simply kept the skids until 7pm before dropping them off at her house). Now, this morning, she texted him to say that she had to work at 1, and so would be dropping them off at 12:30 (instead of 6pm like she is supposed to).

Now, our day and our plans are shot. I let FDH know that he needs to nip this shit now, or I am done making any sort of weekend plans with him - too tired of being disappointed.

He texted her that we had plans today, and in the future she either needs to give advanced notice or handle childcare herself. Her response? Wait for it.....

"This is your advanced notice."

OMFG, seriously?!? 2 hours? He responded with "Same day does not count as in advance. You know I wouldn't do that to you." She did apologize, but WTFever. She sucks, plain and simple.


Lalena75's picture

My exh has done this off and on (I again had both kids on his Friday this weekend)Though mine are old enough to be alone so it doesn't screw with my plans. He has also started to ask for them randomly for dinner or an overnight whenever he feels like it and tries to go through the kids because they don't like to say no. I have firmly explained all extra overnights require 24 hours advance notice through me or it will automatically be a no, and if he goes through the kids he will still be getting a no as we don't put children in the middle (the 12 yr old is who he texts not the stb18 yr old) If he changes up his weekend visits and doesn't get them on Friday I dictate when he will get them on Saturday. It's often not dramatic we can unfortunately see each others driveways practically from our front yards. But the fact he goes through the 12 year old is really pissing me off.