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Are any of you REALLY losing it?

savemysanity's picture

I am not myself at all these days. How HARD does step-parenting have to be? I drink more than I used to, I'm on anti-depressants, and my blood pressure is through the roof, even after taking two high-dose blood pressure meds. I'm not overweight, just turned 40, and my diet can't possibly be the cause of the bp issues. I honestly feel on the verge of a breakdown. I have sooo many more questions to ask all of you, but I'm starting here. I don't even know where to begin fixing myself. Therapy is out of the question. I have no health insurance, and SO and I are always broke. How do you stop being a people-pleaser? How do you stop caring what people think of you? How do you stop trying to FIX everything and everyone? Am I alone here?

savemysanity's picture

Honestly, I used to be such a, I guess you would call it, "social butterfly." I'm a hermit now. My kids have even noticed it. I've cut so many people out of my life. Now I'm going through what you "steptalkers" call "disengaging." I feel horrible about it. I guess the disengaging topic was my next topic question, though. Ugh.

Anon2009's picture

I can relate to this.

I've been on anti depressants for years (before I became a sm) but it just got worse when I became one. My Prozac intake increased. While it helped temporarily, it made me a very anxious person. I was hiding myself away in my room.

Can you apply for a federal and/or state program that could help you get the help you need? Could you talk to a pastor or religious leader?

savemysanity's picture

I've dealt with depression since the onset of puberty, so yeah, I've been on every antidepressant there is. I quit taking them a few weeks ago and SO noticed that my pill bottle was still full and started hounding me about taking my meds. I told him the meds wouldn't make people in my life disappear. No state programs will help me. Here, if you make *any* money, adult Medicaid is pretty much out of the question. A pastor,, I'm living in sin. I can just imagine they would tell me it's God's punishment.

Anon2009's picture

You may disagree with this but I don't think you should've gone off your meds. I'm no doctor but my doctors have always told me it is bad to self medicate.

"I told him the meds wouldn't make people in my life disappear." No, they can't, but they can help,and you can make people in your life disappear, if you deem them toxic. Yes, I'll say it, that might mean you have to end things with SO if, after a lot of thought, you feel things are still not working out for you in this situation.

savemysanity's picture

No, I know you are absolutely right. I had said that to him, mostly out of anger. I was upset, and he asked about my meds, like that's the only reason I was emotional. Um, no, the situation would have upset me one way or another. It seems as though I don't realize how well they work until I'm not taking them. They do cut down on the crying spells. I just had my breakfast, so I'm popping one now. Smile Thanks!

savemysanity's picture

God bless our mothers with those good intentions. lol. I have one of those, too. Love her to death, but couldn't live with her!!!!

savemysanity's picture

Anxiety attacks are the worst. I have a really hard time distinguishing them from a real heart attack... : / One of these days, I'm scared I'll pass a heart attack off as an anxiety attack.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I've been taking Xanax lately like candy. I used to drink quite a bit when SS15 lived with us but now with SD18 I just am constantly on edge and can't seem to relax

savemysanity's picture

I know that feeling. I'm scared to ask my doc for Xanax, I think if I started taking it, I may never want to stop. lol. I hope things get better for you.

dassia2095's picture

Help! I have run out of alcohol and it's too late to buy more. I confronted my dh about him ignoring my daughter but acting all awesome when his kids are here *which I mostly babysit now and have always taken care of them*
My daughter is 5. Today she asked me when the kids would be here, she goes "bubba is always nice to me when they're here." It breaks my heart bc for the past month he doesn't even say hi. He'll come in and say hi to me and my daughter would be running out saying hi to him and he totally ignores her. He doesn't say bye either. Doesn't speak to her at all and every time he's home he does this /sigh thing when she tries to join in the conversation. ..

savemysanity's picture

Yeah, I'm just going to keep reading this article again and again until I feel intelligent and fabulously fun. lol. It would be much more fun to read it with a glass of wine, but I do have to pick the kiddo up from school soon. Blum 3

savemysanity's picture

Ladies, I think it's official. Being a stepmother WILL cost you your sanity. Here's to a good week for you all! (Raising my wine No, not really. Wink )

Stepmomplan's picture

My sdaughters are amazing and I still feel like I am losing my sanity. It is just sooo hard to balance all the "normal" family things PLUS having all the divorce drama and an exwife that hates me with a passion.

savemysanity's picture

I'm hanging onto the last thread of sanity I have at this moment. The day started off grand, then went to hell in a hand basket. Thankful for Moscato at the moment. (Take this as a warning to ignore all other posts from me tonight. lol. My motto right now is, "You might not be able to find the answers at the bottom of a bottle, but it can't hurt to look.") Ugh! Is it effff-it Friday yet?