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I get the house to myself today

SteelRose's picture

Dh is going to pick up ss16 from church at noon after he also spent the night at a friends having a big last of summer party. Bs15 went to his dad's and dh and I had a rare night alone last night. So now DH is off to pick up ss and then go over to ss19's apartment to empty it out and move his junk into BM's storage, they'll be gone most of the day. I am looking forward to time ALONE. Then realized it has been months, no years, since I have had the house to myself on a regular basis. When I was raising my kids I was a sahm and for years xh worked a regular job and I was home alone with my kids. The near the end he was unemployed a lot and we got divorced and when I met dh he was employed for only 2 months then unemployed for 4.3 years now, except for last spring he was working just before and after we got married, before we discovered cancer. So it really has been years since having an ongoing time alone at home for set periods throughout the days of the week. So what I am getting at is that I really enjoy being home alone. I really think my batteries need this time for recharging and getting my core back it's energy. That is why when I went to the doc last month she found nothing physically wrong with me but I feel worn out. My core is exhausted. My spirit has been drained and my emotions are drained down to the bottom. So now with this school year, bs15 going to school, dh driving ss16 to school and then either staying there in town or working (whatever the hell he finds to do with his days - hopefully make some money) I will have an hour before work and a couple hours after my first shift to be home alone every day.

For the foreseeable future anyways - it never lasts long.