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Not sure I can keep my mouth shut any longer

second string's picture

So I'm sitting here listening to SS8 talk about BM. He thinks the absolute world of her and I understand this completely...she IS his mom. However, what he doesn't know is that she is a f'ing loser that lives off the government, popping one baby out after another with all different men. I bite my tongue every weekend, and to date, I have never uttered a single bad thing about his mother in his presence. The problem I am having now is keeping my mouth shut about the rest of her family. BM's oldest son, her boyfriend and her brother all just got out of jail recently and SS8 acts and talks like this is "normal". How can I let him know that breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony, failure to pay child support, probation violation and possession of analogues, ie.crystal meth (the various reasons the three of them were in jail) is not only NOT normal but completely wrong on all levels. It kills me to think he will grow up with THEM as examples. DH and I both do our best to set great examples for SS8 such as both having good jobs, college educations, money in the bank, manners and proper grammar but I'm afraid that the amount of time he spends with her and her family will outweigh our efforts. I did, about a month ago, watch Scared Straight when he was in the room and talked to him about it. I explained the premise of the show as trying to show youth what it was like to go to jail and to scare them into staying away from a life of crime. He got a real serious look on his face and asked a lot of questions that I answered in a non biased way. Back to today, SS is flipping channels on TV, sees Scared Straight, and comments that BM's boyfriend told him that it was all lies and that going to jail wasn't a bad thing. WHAT THE F*CK?!


Unfreakingreal's picture

Shut your mouth. He is 8. No matter what you do, what examples you set, how hard you try, that kid will more than likely end up just like his mom & her loser family. This is why I know...DH and I set good examples for Skids. DH works hard, as do I. We have a beautiful house, have a stable life, rules, expectations, goals. SS, one day decided he wanted to live with us because he couldn't deal with the dysfunction in his moms house any longer. Fast forward 5 years, after he has sucked us dry, used and abused us, he is back at his mothers house and now SHE is the BEST MOM IN DA WORLD & WE are the enemy because WE think we're better than everyone.
They will ALWAYS gravitate to their moms, no matter what type of crackhead, meth-head, whore face, scum she is. Shut it, watch silently, say nothing.

somedevilishbeauty's picture

Yes if your DH talks to him and tells him "what he expects from him, and how 'your house' behaves (above the law!)" Set good examples for him and hopefully in a few years he will see for himself who is doing better and why they are doing better. My SD is starting to see this and I can tell how she acts, but i cant really take full credit for how she sees things. Her best friends mother (who also used to date my DH weird i know) has a drug problem and is in the middle of court issues for it. ANyways I think her friend confides in mySD and I think she is seeing some of this in her own homelife with BM.