problems, problems, problems!
Hi, so I am going to get straight to the point because this is eating from the inside out. I am so stressed out and I would appreciate anyone's opinions. I have been dating a man who is a bit older than me for over 4 years. He has a 12 y/o daughter who is a wonderful and caring and quirky and the last 3 years have been great. But for the last year things have been rocky. Last Thanksgiving my bf and I decided that we wanted to get married and have more children. He sat down with his daughter and told her what our decision was and she did not take it well. She then told her mom what was happening and an all out war began.
I started getting nasty messages on facebook from her (she doesn't have my phone number) and then deleted my account.
She told my bf that we were not allowed to get married until the daughter turned 18, and that she was going to file a harassment order against me. And my favorite- how dare we try and have more children without asking her.
Things have gone from bad to worse. I eventually moved out because the stress became too much for me. After a couple of months and some counciling between my bf and his daughter, the councilor had advised us to slowly move me back into the picture. Well the day I came over his ex called the cops and had them come to the house. The cop stopped over, asked the daughter what was the problem and when she replied that they want to have a baby together he stepped outside with the bf and told him he sees this all the time. All in all, nothing came out of it. The cop said that she had to stay and that we needed to talk. Needless to say, the next weekend went about the same minus the cops.
It has now been a couple of months since that has happened, and things have not really changed. I am back in the house full time, but the ex is saying horrible things to her daughter and bad mouthing her dad. The ex has filed for a custody hearing in a couple of weeks and not allowing the daughter to see her dad unless I am not here.
The guilt I feel is tearing me up inside, and while I have asked my bf many many many times that if he would like to stop this relationship to stop the stress and chaos I would completely understand, and while I do not even closely want to quit seeing him I am totally lost and don't know what to do. Maybe I am being dense and should look at it from an outside perspective, but I can't seem to do that. I really want what is best for these two people and myself, and if that means that now is not a good time for us to be together, then I would sacrifice myself to do that. I hate seeing my bf not being able to see his daughter because he is a amazing father and would honestly do anything for his daughter. I just don't know what I should do, or how to go about anything anymore. I feel very helpless and am willing to try anything to make this situation better.
- justbreathe26's blog
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Haha, he tells me he now
Haha, he tells me he now understands why people shoot their spouses (jokingly). I think that the ex is definitely the problem and that if it weren't for all her negativity and manipulating her daughter, the daughter wouldn't have a problem with us. Basically, I just need the ex to back off and go away.
I agree with Roxie. You need
I agree with Roxie. You need to get out of this demanding stressful situation.
This man has not set ANY boundaries with his EX or his child when it comes to you. He already agreed to having you move out once. Will this happen again? Will his child actually try to hurt you while you are pregnant?
This situation will not get better. You need to see that IF you have a child with this man; that child will be the next target.
He's a weenie of the worst
He's a weenie of the worst kind. You should not have a child with a person who is so pathetic.
Agreed with all above. This
Agreed with all above. This is not going to get better. The other women in this man's life are absolutely crazy and vindictive and he's letting them trample all over you. He's got bigger issues to deal with and he's in no position to bring another unsuspecting partner like you into his life.
If you leave, trust me, you will eventually realize it was the best thing for you and not the "sacrifice" you feel it will be. It will just take time.
There are men out there who have already been through the child custody crazy BM phase, their kids are older or already moved out, or the BM finally remarried. Try to find a man in that situation. I did. I could never have lasted with my SO earlier on in his life when he was still paying lots of child support, his daughter and BM were calling the cops on him, and he was still paying BM alimony while she shacked up with the next man she got knocked up with. Back then his ex was crazy and ready to sabotage any relationship he had with another woman.
But now that his last kid is almost grown, BM has moved on with a new husband and new kid and new life and almost never talks to SO, things are manageable. Most of the problems we have involve me adjusting to life with his slug teenage son. Those are great problems to have compared to what you're dealing with.
Get out and save yourself!!!
I agree with you and all
I agree with you and all above. Also, if she's young enough, there are still unmarried/never married guys with no kids out there she should look into.
He already pays cs and has
He already pays cs and has everything set in stone. Every year she tries to get more and gets denied. She does not get alimony, but feels of course that she should. She has not worked in 3 years and claims she has a long term disability-ocd. She also stated in the court papers we just received that he should be helping her find a job and support her while until she gets one. I am 26, have owned my own house since I was 18. I have a BS degree in business management and am getting a second degree in nursing all the while working multiple jobs. I have never asked me anyone for anything in my life and have worked hard to get where I am at. It really upsets me when she asks him for more money. ok my rant is done. sorry.
So while I am taking your
So while I am taking your opinions seriously and trying to look at this from your point of view I feel I have to share more of the story because I think I may have left some things out. If your feelings do not change then I may have to have a serious conversation with my spouse.
I made the decision to move out the first time. I thought it would be best and I honestly wasn't handling the situation very well. My bf never kicked me out and didn't want me to leave. I thought it would be best if he and his daughter could spend some quality alone time and try to work things out. I had to try something, even though it failed
My bf has his daughter e/o weekend in the summer and week on week off during the winter as he is a seasonal worker and that was how things were put together the first time they went to court. Since I have made the decision to move back about a month ago he has never asked me to leave and even had a blowout two weeks ago. The ex was going to drop the daughter off. When she came in the yard and saw my car she started screaming and yelling and telling him to make me leave. His daughter was in the car and was doing the same and telling him that she wouldn't stay as long as I was there. (Please remember that I have done nothing wrong and we as a family were very close up until we made the decision to marry and wanted to have more children. The only thing she is mad at me for is because she thinks it is my fault and because her mom says nasty things about me she hates me) My bf politely told them to go home.
She then left, came back a couple of minutes later, tried to break into the house to get a gift the daughter had given to him for fathers day. Then left again.
Again this week we were suppose to have her, but when she asked if I was going to be there and he said yes, she said she was not going to come.
I feel like my bf is doing the best he can in a bad situation and I should give him credit, because honestly what else can he do? He has tried absolutely everything, we have spoken to lawyers, cops, social workers, and even tried counciling and nothing seems to work. We are both at our wits end and he sadly is stuck in the middle. What more do you think he should be doing honestly? Maybe I am not seeing it, but I feel like he has stuck up for me and he could have said that I should go or that he doesn't want me around and he hasn't. Instead his daughter hates him at the moment and doesn't want to see him and he still sticks to his guns and hasn't backed down. I don't know what I would do if I were in his position.
Am I missing something?
I'm so sorry you're going
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I disagree with the concept that your bf is stuck in the middle. That makes it seem like you are causing the tug of war involving your bf. You are not causing any of this. BM's behavior and daughter's behavior would be prompted by the presence of any woman in your bf's life. This is between your bf and BM, and really is not about you, but about BM losing control over your bf.
Unfortunately, the more you write, the more I worry about your safety and the stronger I feel about you leaving. This is not an attack on your man, but there are things that are, as you say, out of his control, and also out of yours. What you describe is a very dangerous situation. If the BM and SD are doing this now that they know you two want to get married, how do you think they'll act when you have a baby together?
I'm so sorry you're involved in this, but I'm seeing what I call some insurmountable obstacles. There are women on this site that try their best to deal with these extreme situations, and it's heartbreaking to read about the restraining orders, etc. I'd also be worried about any pets you may have.
If you are not ready to leave, why not talk to a counselor alone about this, and ask them to give you their honest opinion about this situation, what they predict will happen down the road, they've seen this before so they should be able to help you.
You are human, and you are in love, which you have a right to be, and you've done nothing wrong. But sometimes being in love can cause you to miss what's right in front of you. But I also understand how hard it is to leave once you start making plans for marriage and then kids. It's like your entire life's dream is falling apart. Whether you decide to stay or go, I wouldn't take either decision lightly.
Thank you for not being too
Thank you for not being too harsh. I really do appreciate your opinions and am taking them to heart. I am not taking anything lightly, and thought by coming on here to a step parent site maybe someone may have gone through something like this and would be able to give me some advice to tell me to run. I see everyone says run. Darn.
It isn't you. It is any woman
It isn't you. It is any woman who wants to take his ex's place.
First off I would move out and only date him. Sleep over when the girl isn't there but DATE him. Announce your engagement PROPERLY. Taking your daughter to one side and ASKING if it was OK to marry and have more children is not very manly. He needs to ignore his ex and remind his daughter that one day SHE will grow up and want to marry some man HE may not like. At which time the tables may turn and he will bully her into dumping the guy.
The ex will not change. She needs to butt out. DH needs to tell her to stop harassing you or you will take out a restraining order against her. If I were him I would tell ex that the next time she makes a freaking exhibition of herself he is videoing it and putting it on You-Tube. With her home town noted.
He needs to get creative in his making her back the F off. And you need to not let her behaviour affect you because it isn't personal. But how old are you? And how much older is your bf? If there is something like 15 yrs between you and you ar ein your early 20s I can see how this would happen.
Oh wow. I feel sorry for you
Oh wow. I feel sorry for you and you seem a lot nicer to this spoiled little girl than most of us are to our skids on here. The BM needs to butt out at this point. She has no say over when her ex gets married and is obviously poisoning the daughters mind. Your bf did good telling her to just go home. I know it seems sad, but she did it to herself. She has to learn that this is his life, house and his rules. If you let a 12yr old call the shots now what will she be like in a few years? I wouldn't necessarily tell you to run, but I would say be prepared. This road won't be an easy one and you may have to ease into the marriage and wait a little for things to cool off before a baby. Next time the BM does something strange record it and call the cops something has to be done about her craziness. Show them that you and your bf are united and don't back down to a psycho and a pre teen.
This will not change. The
This will not change. The crazy will get ramped up if/when you marry & again if/when you get pregnant. What will you do when you lose custody of your own child because of her calls to CPS?
Your problem is not the crazy ex - it is your SO & his REFUSAL to put your relationship first & stop this nonsense. What is your SO doing to combat this? Protect you and your reputation?
Please do yourself a favor & go see a family counselor WITH blended family experience before you go any further.
@ Justbreath26 I get that you
@ Justbreath26
I get that you think you are causing this tug of war, yes you may be the catalyst however it could be *any woman* and the BM would react like this. While she is obviously putting things into sd13's head, sd DOES have a choice whether to act like this or not. It might be difficult for her, but her mother and her own jealousy are fuelling her hate of these future decisions and she is trying to ruin her father's future!
I DO think your bf needs to be MUCH firmer than he is, he may feel stuck in the middle but you are NOT tugging him. You are also on the receiving end of this harassment and I am wondering what exactly is your BF doing to proactively and sensible protect you, your home and himself?!! You mention some extreme situations, including an attempted break in, verbal abuse, disturbing the peace, threats. I genuinely think you need to consider this situation more from a criminal/harassment POV than helping a troubled teen. As it is NOT the BM who is driving this harassment or not?!! SHE is NOT a teen, she is a mother and is abusing sd, you and bf. Tiptoeing around her and taking the view that pursuing any criminal or civil restraining order will only hurt sd is not healthy and dysfunctional because by passively allowing BM to continue her campaign of hate against you by harassing you both, this is inadvertantly enabling BM and sd, they both need a stern message that this has gone beyond a family matter to criminal.
You mention bf and you wanting to
sd and her attitude, and while I applaud your efforts in considering counselling for sd (not sure if this was tried and failed?) unless sd WANTS help and thinks her behaviour is wrong then imo you may be hitting your head against the wall. This softly softly approach is NOT working as its already been a year, enough already. You and bf need to bloody firm with the brat. Yes, her mother is wrong filling her head with this nonsense but she's acting like a little c*w also and we are not talking a few tantrums here. This is serious. She is volitile and abusive, being 13 does NOT give anyone free reign to act in this manner as that's just an excuse - as is the fact her mother instigates this. SD could if she wanted, choose to not participate or at least try and talk to her father. She doesn't though. So you and bf need to pull your socks up and bf needs to tell her she is not welcome unless she behaves, he loves her but he is tired of her abusive and miserable behaviour. A child does not get to ruin anyone elses life because of a perceived slight - can you imagine if this child was yours and acted like this because you choose to have another child? How would that be handled? She would be ignored and she would be reported for any violent acts. Firm, consistent and no nonsense. Instead it seems she has been coddled which is only encouraging her rage and perception that she is right for her actions - children can be like sharks, if they smell a weakness they will use it to their own advantage and because everyone is acting guilty/shocked and worried about her, instead of her being told to pull it together (after a sensible chat of understanding nature regarding her natural jealousy) and being given a smack across the arse for her cheek! This girl is enjoying the attention and really she needs to be ignored, while you and bf take preventative steps against BM.
You and he need to draw that line otherwise it is only going to continue, and your happiness and safety is NOT worth less than sd13's. You need to teach others how they treat you, otherwise how else will they learn and your bf needs to get a grip and tell his spoilt princess she is not welcome unless she pulls her head in.
My situation isn't too much
My situation isn't too much different, minus the physical interaction with BM. She would text and have people friend me on FB, threaten through DH, etc. she filed a police report following an exchange at a McD's - told police DH was going to kill her because she saw on TV that a [completely different and unrelated] guy killed his ex.
dH is 43 and I'm 28. Doesn't matter. We fit.
Although I'm not there, it does sound like dad needs to be a bit more of a dad and not daughters friend. Ask her what she's afraid of - there's a chance BM has told her some scary things that aren't reality, and he can clear them up.
Also, buy one of those cheap surveillance systems for the front of your house. They're less than a few hundred bucks and could really protect you. Capture her freak-out and her attempt to alienate the father, and take her to court. If you haven't heard of Parental Alienation Syndrome, look it up. If you can get a judge that is familiar, you'll have a great case.
It sounds like you need time. It's been over 4 years for us, and things have settled down. We've fought everything and she has no teeth left. Don't get me wrong, she's still crazy, but I no longer wake up 45 times every night thinking she's going to kill us.