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I decided to give SS8 'mommy time' this week

SisterNeko's picture

and at one point he asked me if I would talk to BM about spending more time (alone) with him.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

It's been an on going issue with him, he craves a woman's affection like no tomorrow. He hangs on me and follows me around. He HAS to sit by me and always picks me to do things with. DH tries to spend time with him but most of the time SS8 isn't interested in DH. A few weeks ago I let SS8 cuddle by me in bed one morning and it was all he talked about all day. SO DH and I agreed that the next time they were here I would carve out some one on one time with him each day and we'll see if that helps with his other issues - anxiety, panic attacks, sleep issues and attention issues.

Well Monday morning I was still in the living room while the boys ate breakfast talk to one of my cats. We recently got a new kitten and since then this cat had been very cranky. I asked her (the cat) why she was so cranky. SS8 chimed in explaining that maybe cat was so cranky because kitten was getting all of the attention. I said maybe then explained to him that as a (kitty) 'mommy' i try to give them all a little 'mommy time' each day but kittens do need a little more attention SOMETIMES! He frowned and launched in to his long rant about his own mother not spending any time with him, she is too busy. And I get that she, unlike me, has to work to support them but you would think she could set aside 10 minutes before bed to just sit with him, that is all I did. Any way I hugged him and told him that if he ever needed 'mommy time' to just let me know. After all a step-mom is a kind of mom.

SO we started cuddling every night for just 10 to 15 mins before bed (without ss6) and I have to say he was going to bed and staying in bed a lot better. He also seemed a little happier.

On Wednesday DH talked to the head of the behavioral/psychology department because his appointment to get tested got canceled and his counselor told her that DH was very worried about him so they are going to try to get him in somewhere. DH told her about his neediness toward women. They were going to send us all packets to fill out about the issues we are having - step parents included though I doubt BM's hubby will fill his out. They also got the release of info form from his teacher last year so I hope they talk to her as well. I think counselor kind of has an idea of what some of the issue is but isn't in a position to say anything, i think this testing will bring some things to light. DH told BM about the rescheduling and she asked if we were still having issues and DH said it wasn't as bad but there are some things that concern him, plus he had issues in school. BM claims not to have ANY issues at her house.

We Wednesday night when I was cuddling with SS8 and that is when he asked me if I would talk to BM about spending more time with him. I stuttered then finally told him that I couldn't do that. He needed to tell her. He said that he does but she doesn't listen to him, she just ignores him. I told him to keep trying. what else was I supposed to say?


SisterNeko's picture

good idea, I will try role playing the next time he is here. Though I half expect an e-mail or call from BM this week when/if SS8 tells her that I cuddle his every night why can't she?