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Calling all green thumbs (aka NOT Drac0 ;) )

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I had some lovely vines growing along the side of my house. My mom got in a mood yesterday and came over and ripped them all down. Sad (Her reasoning is that they were growing into my roof... I have no idea why she didn't call me and tell me they needed to be trimmed.)

I want to replace these vines asap. Is there anything fast growing that would grow well in full sun in zone 5? I'd like my vines back by next spring at least. DH just about blew a gasket when he saw the side of our house, the vines had attached to the paint so there are now big spots of paint missing. Looks REALLY attractive. I plan to put up trellises when I replant.... and a "GET THE HECK AWAY FROM MY VINES CRAZY LADY" sign for my mother.


twoviewpoints's picture


Odds are the vines are not done for (unless after ripping them down she gave them a good dose of round-up too). The above ground section she ripped down (what was she thinking?)are gone but the roots are likely to survive her. She didn't dig roots out too did she?

First do a google search to id exactly what vine you had. Then do a bit of research on how to get it going again (training it up, keeping it trimmed ect) after it starts coming back up.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

It looks like she just broke them off at the bottom. I know that the vines took about 5 years to grow, because they were just starting out when I was in high school.

Mom has been having an issue with boundaries lately... I'm thinking of sitting down with her on Sunday and having a talk about what is and is not okay to do (Example, Not okay: Rip down my freaking foliage! Okay: Offer to have foliage trimmed.)

B22S22's picture

Trumpet vines. They'll grow like crazy and there are different colors of trumpet-shaped flowers (pink, coral, etc).

HOWEVER, they grow like crazy, send out shoots 10-15 feet away from the main rootball (all underground) and will not die once they take hold.

tweetybird74's picture

Although the vines do look quite nice growing on houses, they are very bad for you house. They cause moisture issues as well as wreck the brick/mortar on your house which allows water into your house. I think you mom may have done you a favour, because these vines can cause some pretty expensive damage to your house.
We have trumpet vines growing around our deck and these things force themselves right between the wood and grow even under the deck.
I would avoid putting any vines right against your home.