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I Don't Trust SM or Ex

shera's picture

My ex was always a sex addicted sociopath who cheated a ton. But when he was with me, he was a good father. Well he was great to our daughters and not as good to our son.

Well he ended up telling me one day he was going to stay with his dad and think about his life. He never said goodbye to the kids, just waited to leave when they fell asleep. Very long story short, turns out he was living with another woman the whole time. She was allowing him to stay at her apartment, knowing everyday he came over to see us, and she had to assume we were still physical with each other.

So eventually they are out in the open with their relationship and they rent a house close to our marital home. To me, she was just one of many women he had had extramarital affair with. I did notice some things about her though that was different than the others. For one, we had a sick child at home on oxygen and going thru a lot medically and it didn't bother her at all, to sleep with a married man going thru what we were going thru. Secondly, all the others of course, hid everything...she seemed to want me to know that she was having affair with my husband, to make sure the marriage was broken. She would comment all over his facebook everyday, and left her fb page public and made fb statuses like "Don't hate me because I'm better in bed than you, hate me because your husband thinks so".

Even after I found out about everything, I bit my tongue because this was our new life now, and I was kind of waiting to see how she was with the kids before I said or did anything. I didn't want her to hate me and take it out on the kids or anything.

At the same time she was around my kids, I was around my new bf's kids. There seem to be such a difference. My kids didn't talk positively about her, whereas my bf's kids loved me and would beg for us to get married. I had one of my children bawling afraid their dad would marry his gf. It just seemed like she never tried to get to know my kids, or establish a relationship with them, which I thought given she was the "other woman" she would try harder, and earn their respect so that they could move forward and everyone would be happy.

then i started getting reports that she was nicer to the kids in front of their dad (although really not that nice) and was more mean or totally ignored them when he wasn't around. She also was not feeding the kids. They were starving whenever I picked them up. So I texted their dad and asked from now on could he make sure the kids had been fed when I pick them up, he said yeah. So the next weekend they had them she asked them what they wanted for lunch, when they didn't answer her right away she stormed off and yelled, well i was going to make you guys lunch, but no one would tell me what they wanted to eat! and she slammed her hand down on a table and sat back down on the computer. I felt like she was mad because they obviously told someone she wasn't feeding them.

Their dad picks on them and teases them, and they don't love it when their dad does it, but she does it too, and to the kids it feels like being ganged up on. Plus she doesn't have a relationship with them or earned their respect to be teasing them so harshly yet. If their dad is mad at a child she tries her hardest to add fuel to the fire and get him more mad instead of being a peacemaker. My oldest children are the ones she targets the most, and I really think she is trying to run them off so they don't come over anymore at all and they won't have so many children at their house (we have 4 kids she has 3), considering they are almost at age to choose when they want to go.

I had casually mentioned to my ex thru text that his gf wasn't being as nice to the kids when he wasn't around, but said that i didn't think this was a conversation to have thru text and he agreed. But he has never talked more about this to me, or even the kids. We have even had a few issues where she has been downright mean to the kids in front of him, and he doesn't say anything but will text the kids later, and apologize. I guess he is too scared to take up for his kids around her. I think he knows with the child support he pays, he is too worried about money and honestly has no desire to take care of the kids alone. So as long as he plays nice with her, she financially supports him and pretends to trust him so much, he can continue to cheat and she won't question him. So I feel like he doesn't want to ruin his sweet deal, even if it's driving his kids away from him and hurting them. The children just got back from vacation with his dad and stepmom and they were just emotionally a mess. My oldest is now saying as soon as he turns 16 he doesn't want anything to do with his dad. That all him and his gf did was bully them.

I'm torn, because obviously as their mother I want to help them. I think it's important for kids to have good relationships with their parents. But at the same time, I think, is this just on him? It's his life, he made his bed now he has to lie in it. But then I go right back to, this hurts my kids so I should do something. But then I go right back to, even if I talked to him, I don't think he would do anything about it.

The children are terrified of him. But my other option is to just try and make sure they get stronger, and eventually they can just tell their dad themselves? I feel like she has been such a negative influence in his life and it's sad to see the demise. We had a credit card in our marriage that had zero balance, one year of being with her and he owes $13,000. He is in debt up to his eyeballs and his kids don't like him. Its weird to see the demise. Have you guys seen your children's father change to someone you don't recognize anymore?

shera's picture

That's a good point too. Out of the 4 kids they treat the oldest two like crap, and the younger two ok.

I do feel guilty for sending them over there. I have talked to my lawyer and she just says the kids need to see their dad. She won't even listen to anything about the kids not having to go.

And this was before gf started in on the kids. This was when it was just the dad. One time her and him took the kids to a pizza place, took their cells and kept them there for 4 hours interrogating the kids about any text I had sent their dad. like me complaining about the junk food/fast food consumption.. he asked them how did I know what they were eating. I had mentioned the kids not caring for her, and he read it aloud and questioned them. They were scared and just kind of didn't say anything.

or he didn't like that the kids weren't always texting him back, so he had a print out done of the their texting history and berated them for over an hour (like you texted this person at 2:15 but didn't text me back when I texted you at 2:17)

now it feels like she is right in there as well doing just as much damage.

shera's picture

Also while they were on vacation he got jealous of how much the kids were calling and texting me and the last two days of vacation he blocked my cell number from their cells, but denied it. He tried blaming it on storms that came thru?? I said, that's weird, because I could call the kids from my bf's phone and text them from his phone. I also signed up for google voice and texted them from that no problem. Only my cell didn't work!

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Their dad is the problem, not so much the SM. It's not her job to get the kids to like her or be engaged with them--or even cook/clean for them. Their dad should be doing all of that.

That said, the dad sounds like a piece of work so he attracted someone who's probably just as unstable as he is.

But you should be addressing this with their dad, if you can. If not, then I would suggest to go to court or help them cope.

shera's picture

oh I totally agree. I guess I see their dad as the problem and SM throwing fuel on the fire.

But even without her, there would still be problems.

that's the other weird thing, honestly he does a ton for her kids, and goes to all their games and practices etc, and she does very very little for our kids and rarely shows up to anything.

SMof2Girls's picture

Well it's hard to distinguish between what's the truth, what's the kids' perspective, and what's the ex-wife's perspective.

It sounds like you're getting a lot of your information from the kids. How old are they? You've said the divorce/split was hard on them because their dad didn't commmunicate and handle it well with them. Is it possible they're exaggerating about their big bad stepmom? Is it possible they know she's part of the reason their family split up?

It also sounds like you're still very angry/bitter about the breakup. I don't blame you one bit, but it makes it harder to see your view as objective .. especially when you're talking about the woman your husband left you for.

How much time are your kids spending with her when dad isn't around? If it's excessive, I would ask dad and work out an alternate schedule where the kids' time is maximized with their parents.

My advice? Forget about what he's doing in his life. Let go of ALL expectations for that stepmom. If you think your children are being mistreated or abused, call CPS or the police. Document everything and compile as much proof as you can .. take him to court and get more custody of your kids.

bug's picture

What a piece of work she is with that FB comment. When the kids are old enough and decide they don't want to go over there i wouldn't make them.

TASHA1983's picture

I agree. My son is 9 and his father has been out of his life for years up until just recently and we do not have any custody arrangement thru the court system as he never apparently cared enough to do so.
But even at at young age I told my son and my ex that I would NEVER force my son to see him or go with my ex if he didnt want to. I realize that he is only a child and that kids should have a relationship with both of their parents but I will not force it.
I know that I would hate/resent my parents if they made me go see someone, parent or not, that I didnt want to see or be around for whatever reason. BUT if the reason was something petty or ridiculous then I wouldnt be on my childs side so to speak as far as not letting him go with his father for his visit.

Kilgore SMom's picture

I would try not making the older kids go over there and see how that works or if Exh is ok with that.
Its hard to tell in these situation if the kids are exaggerating and things are really that bad or not. If EXH was not a attentive father in the first place and it sounds like he wasn't because he was to busy chasing tail. Chances are he's not going to start being one. I won't force it unless EXH has a fit and you have to let kids go.
Counseling would be good for the kids while their making this transition. Sm knows she got a piece of shit and is expecting EXh to treat her the same as he did you. So my bet is that she is trying to control things between you and EXH and kids. Hence the interrogation with the kids over text and him apologizing to them later. Any women that would put something like that on FB is a pos and I wouldn't want her around my kids. You have to out smart her. Get your thinking cap on. My guess is if she thinks something is her idea then she's all for it. Start planting seeds.

3familiesIn1's picture

I think you are targeting the wrong person.

- we had a sick child at home on oxygen and going thru a lot medically and it didn't bother her at all, to sleep with a married man going thru what we were going thru.
... stupid on her part - but HE was the one married

- She also was not feeding the kids. They were starving whenever I picked them up.
... how is this her job? where is the Dad?

- It just seemed like she never tried to get to know my kids, or establish a relationship with them
... perhaps they also had no real interest in getting to know her, just saying.

The children are terrified of him.
... again, nothing to do with the SM.

The main issue is your XH. If you don't want your kids SM to watch them, then check your ROR in your paperwork - frankly if the Dad isn't there, the kids shouldn't have to be - I never send my kids to my XHs if he can't be bothered to be there, and I like their SM, but its not her job to watch my kids. If they aren't being fed - take it up with your XH - that is HIS job, if the SM doesn't want much to do with them, well its called disengagement and usually there are MANY reasons we are driven to disengagement - starting with the fact you stated the kids are being left in the SM's care...

Check your ROR, figure out what you can do to make your XH responsible for your joint children when they are in his care, period.

Sorry, SM really has nothing to do with it based on what I read here, but that my opinion.

shera's picture

Great advice. So glad I asked here.

Why i was upset she wasn't feeding them and not their dad? He gets kids every other weekend. One of those weekends he is home.. The other weekend he is on day shift. He works swing shift. So the weekends he was there, they were being fed a lot better, it was when he wasn't there (on day shift) that they weren't being fed.

I get that I shouldn't expect some amazing stepmother out of her. I guess I was just comparing it to my life too much, and I have stepkids full time. So I do everything for them. I guess I was comparing all that I do for my stepkids, or all he does for his stepkids and thinking it should be the same. (which btw, her kids are not his kids, they are all super little, and she was married as well and had just came here from california)

I guess I put blame on her as well because their dad is a jerk, no doubt about it... but I feel like jerk or not, the kids and him could still have an ok relationship and possibly work through things. With her there egging everything on, causing problems, turning him against his kids, it feels impossible.

I actually don't think the kids are exaggerating only because they are so tight lipped and scared of their dad. It has taken awhile for them to open up to me about their dad and his gf, and I still don't think they tell me everything.

As far as the emotional abuse its unfortunately only going to get worse, as my ex and his gf are moving into our marital home and it is something the kids are really struggling with. Gf walks around that place like she is queen of the castle talking about the things she is going to change without sensitivity towards the kids. Her kids will be in my children's old bedrooms, while they only visit that house every other weekend. I dread watching my kids go thru these emotions further. I think they are moving in like 2 months. It put my son in a depression the other day when he had to see his old childhood bedroom completely empty, carpet torn out and all his posters and stuff down Sad

So basically the therapy is a good idea, and I did not know that would be permissible in court! that is a great idea as well!

And yes I'm still bitter. I think if they were both good parents I would be over it by now. But it feels like I'm constantly dealing with these two hurting my kids. Such a sucky situation to be in.