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Just When You Think It's Safe

LizzieA's picture

A little background--DH and I, married 2 years, moved far far away from BM, SKS and in-laws due to a lot of reasons. One benefit of our move is freedom from the drama cycle that we used to experience. Every week someone was acting up or had an "emergency."

SD, 20, has been troubled for years. I think (and now DH does too) that she is bi-polar. She has a very aggressive temper and has been arrested more than once for fighting. She has wrecked a couple of cars, drunk. Having a baby last year calmed her down--I thought--she was nice to me when we visited and seemed much happier in general taking care of her lovely baby. She still lives at home with BM.

SS, 16, got in trouble over the past couple of years for truancy, drugs and drinking. But he changed schools, is working and seems to be getting his act together.

BM is a very lax mother and the kids basically run the house. They party right there and for a while, random strays would crash on the floor. The place is a mess. BM does not do any house chores. Garbage and trash piles to the skies in the cellar and garage. BM also cuts DH out of the loop, does not make any attempt to keep the relationship between the kids and DH going--it's all up to him. For example, he always drove there to see them when we were close by.

Well, at 1 a.m. this morning, DH got a call from SS saying that SD is verbally abusing him. She used to verbally abuse DH, calling him sperm donor and saying she wished he had died, not her uncle. She gets incredibly nasty at the drop of a hat.

SS was crying. He wants to visit DH--he misses him--but of course we really have no money for a plane ticket right now, at short notice. In the past, SS said he wanted to live with DH but always backed off, saying he couldn't leave his "friends." I think he also feels torn between BM and DH--typical black and white thinking, not seeing that he can be with both and it would be OK.

DH also found out that SS is responsible for ALL the heavy house chores that he used to do. I think he should help, but she is just SO lazy, and so is SD. (although SD cleans)

DH is going to talk to BM about the situation. He doesn't have much confidence that she will do anything about SD. I think she needs treatment. She will likely destroy all relationships in her life, and may damage her child emotionally.

Any insights/thoughts/experiences relevant to dealing with a young adult with bi-polar? Prayers welcome too--I can't help but feel bad for SD.


schrob01's picture

there are some addiction issues going on in the Bio/mom's house. I bet Bio mom is using something too. A messy house & being lazy are classic symptoms of someone on drugs or abusing alcohol. and all the kids have had some experience w/chemical substances.

I think you should try to figure out if SS really wants help & if so, you & DH should help him to get out of that unhealthy environment, especially if the kid is trying to get his life together. living in that kind of chaos is not good for him. Plus it might be easier for you to get along w/SS since he is a boy. I think it's easier to get along w/boys rather than girls. I think you should just try to help SS. The kid called crying for help. He's probably at the end of his rope w/all those crazy women in the house. He needs his dad. You should consider trying it, but laying down some rules before he comes to your house, you & your husband. At least if you try, you'll have peace of mind becuz you know that you did your part & maybe you could make a difference in his life in the next few years he has left to be a teenager. Pray, i will pray too.

LizzieA's picture

DH has asked him to live with us--and he has said he wanted to--when we were just talking about moving. But when push came to shove, SS backed off, claiming he couldn't leave 'his friends." At his age, DH doesn't feel he can or wants to force him. Those kids and BM live in a small town in a remote area and basically, are afraid to break out of the box. BM would never leave, even though DH could not find work there.

Although I am not wildly enthusiastic about having a teen in the house again (my girls are gown) I would do it with, as you said, rules.