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EvilDiva's picture

I spoke with SD14 and told her about her grandfather passing away and she said, I bet he is in a better place now, no pain and no cancer. I gave her the options: attend the funeral, attend the burial wit funeral party or go by yourself with H at later time. She opted for the latter as she said there is no way she wants to be caught up in any drama. She then....tear tear...thanked me for being straight up with her and just helping her in every way. (Makes me cry!)

I started the conversation with an admonishment, that sometimes it's okay to be selfish about taking care of yourself. I told her society whether it's our parents or friends or spouses or casual acquaintances will tell us we should act one way, but sometimes only we know what is best for us. I told her she had every right to grieve, and she said I am okay. Death is a part of life.

Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement and support. I have dropped the baggage, as of right now.



WowjustWow's picture

It sounds like your SD is blossoming into a strong girl with your guidance. You should be proud she is able to discern what is best for her and to know that being around BM will cause her unnecessary drama.