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I give up (again)

blending2012's picture

Oldest SD has always had trouble getting up for school in the morning. It's an hour long process with DH going in there every 10 minutes trying to rouse her.

Thursday morning, I hear him go in there for the sixth or so time and say to her, "since you won't get up you're going to bed a half hour early". Holy shit, I think, he's actually setting up a consequence?!?!? This is awesome!

I'm sure you can guess the rest... last night rolls around and it's the half hour before she usually goes to bed so I say to DH, "didn't you say SD needed to go to bed now?". TOTALLY DENIES HE EVER SAID IT. SD stays up just as late.

soooooo close to consequences, DH, sooooooooooo close but ya just couldn't work through that last step.

When he behaves like this, I just want nothing to do with him. I lose so much respect for him each time he cowers from disciplining her... it's like he becomes less of a man and my attraction goes spiraling wayyyy down.


RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Some of us are just not morning people. In high school my mother yanked the covers off and doused me with ice water. That got me up lol.

Tuff Noogies's picture

we had to get ourselves up and out the door to the busstop by ourselves. but on weekends when there was something planned, my father would come in w/ a pot and a wooden spoon, just clanging away... or he had this annoying way of whistling really loudly, that was almost like a high-pitched bugle - he's repeat it over and over and over again until all 3 of us were outta bed!!

i've got an airhorn app on my tablet, prepared to used it if ever necessary Wink

Anne Boleyn's picture

Print him out an article on how much sleep someone her age needs and tell him how much she's actually getting based on her current schedule.

Cocoa's picture

my daughter did this until i got fed up and told her, i'm getting in the car and going to your school. you either get in it and i'll take you or i'm going to your school and tell them i can't get you up for school and let them and the courts handle it from now on. it's your choice. she was up and in the car, bawling the whole way, but she went and didn't pull that again. i told her from now on my car leaves at 7:45 whether you're in it or not and i'm heading to your school. and i meant every word of it. there's no way in hell i'd put up with that kind of disruption of my morning routine and listen to that every morning. let her lay in bed 1 day and miss school. then tell dh he either balls up and parents his kid or you're going to drive to school and tell them she won't get up. you live in that house too and have a right to peace.