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What a B*&$#!

MotherTrucker's picture

BM has been trying to get our weekend time with SD lately. SO DH called to talk to SD last night and she actually answered the phone. DH was asking her a question and he could tell someone was talking to SD in the background. SD told DH to told hold on because BM was talking and then she said "here you can just talk to her daddy".

BM gets on the phone and tells DH "hey, can I have SD on June 16th"

DH said "what day is that?"

BM "It is a Saturday or a Sunday I think. I just need a quick answer yes or no"

DH "Let me look at the calendar"

BM "I just need a quick answer, no big deal"

DH goes and looks at the calendar... June 16th is Father's Day!
"BM that is Father's Day, no you can not have SD that day. You had her on Mother's Day"

BM "Oh well I didn't think you would go look at the calendar. I thought you would be at work"

DH said that he kept his mouth shut about what a shitty move that is to try and make because he knew he was on speaker phone and SD was right there. He said she handed the phone back to SD and said "you can't go SD, that is Father's Day".

That dumb bitch actually tried to con DH out of having SD on FATHER'S DAY! And she fessed up to the fact that she was trying to pull the wool over his eyes!


RedWingsFan's picture


MotherTrucker's picture

Our BM does this all the time so it shouldn't be a shock, but come on, FATHER'S DAY! DH always looks like the bad guy and you can be sure that BM makes it that way.

BSgoinon's picture