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Why do I have to have class and dignity?

Manda's picture

Ok, first of all I have to say that I can never sleep! I hate it and I'm always tired!

But bf and I went out tonight and I felt karma was getting back at me! Everywhere we went somebody had something to say bad about their kids or step-kids. By the end of the night I felt like it was to make me feel bad about punishing my bf's son the other day... I know it doesn't work like that but I felt like I was in the wrong for doing it... My bf actually was honest with me last night and told me that he was upset that I punished his son without talking to him first but after thinking about it he came to the realization that I'm an extension of him so he is backing me up on the punishment. He did also tell me that he called BM to tell her why his son wouldn't have his DS at her house and after some argument she agreed. Apparently she didn't feel like I should punish their kids at all....sorry but I am home with those kids more than their mom, step-dad and dad put together so YES, I DO have a right to punish or discipline the kids. I probably know them better than their BM does! I feel if she has a problem with it then she needs to take HER kids full-time...not just when it fits her schedule. I really do feel like telling her off when I see her but like my dad reminds me...I was brought up with class and dignity so I can't do it. I do have to say though...I hate it!


2SteppinInCali's picture

been living life with me??? LOL I get the same thing about the discipline from BM. If she was so good at itm her kids would stil be living wiht her, right?

It's hard to take the high road, but your dad is right. In the end, you will teach your bf's son some valuable life lessons. That's why I joined this site. To vent and get it out without upsetting the apple cart and looking like a crazy person to the Ex. Even though, most days I want to yell at her and punch her in the face! Smile

PS My Skids have lived with us for six months and I haven't slept since... My bags under my eyes have theirown bags. Take a break from the insanity. It will do you good. Take care!

Manda's picture

My parents were divorced when I was 3 and when I was 13 I told my own mother that it'd be better to live at my Dad's too many times. My Mom was fed up with hearing it and made me pack my clothes in garbage bags and drove me to my Dad's house to live. She had the right teach me the grass isn't always greener on the other side! She was right too...the grass wasn't greener...I wanted to move back probably 6 months later and she said no...that I made my decision and had to stick with, I wouldn't pit my Dad and her against each other anymore. She was right...I did do that and as soon as they stood against me together I never tried that stuff again...they finally had that united front that couldn't be shaken. Best thing that my parents couldve done!