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Childhood Obesity and other things...

HeatherM's picture

Anyways...My stepson is Obese. His parents think it's cute... well not cute...but they don't seem fact they think it's just his Gene's. Mom and Dad are 'bigger' people, but not obese, and not obese as kids. This kid is obsessed with food. Counsellor says there are no issues, he just likes food... and I can see that... Anyways... I'm pissed because we've resorted to locking our fridge and pantry. It's such a huge pain! This came about after I bought oreos and whipped cream (I was making cheesecake for our Canadian thanksgiving)... and one morning before school, SS8.5 polished off half a bag of oreo's and the whole tub of whipped cream. DH finally had enough and put locks on everything... BUT there was very little punishment.. so I'm just thinking this is so wrong. First, what does a lock on the fridge and pantry do? Nothing in my opinion... it teaches him nothing... it only tells him..haha we've locked everything so you can now go obsess about everything you can't have... I think in the long run it will make it worse. I really think this kid needs to visit the school of hard knocks. His eating, lying, and other things are just getting out of control. There was an article in the paper the other day about how childhood obesity is on the rise, and how parents should get their kids out and be more active and stop eating fast food etc etc (all the usual things)... DH says "Well he's just not into sports, I don't have a lot of time to do everything with him".. I said "Who care's about sports? He can still be active! AND WHY do you have to go do everything with him?? He's almost 9 years old?! He's not a toddler!"... DH answers "Well he walks back and forth to school".. (blah, we live a block from school). He doesn't even play with the boys at recess because they do kick ball and tag..and he doesn't like it... seriously..I'm so frustrated, but not sure why I give a crap. It's not my kid. I just can't believe they can't see the long term effects of being obese...I mean..not only his self confidence, but his health... sorry for the vent... I'm just soo frustrated!