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Things I learned from 'Dear Abby' and other musings. . .

princessmofo's picture

I was reading some archived 'Dear Abby' columns today and stumbled upon this jem. Check out number 2. Enjoy!

1. Don't blame your server for bad food. Always be polite and send compliments to the chef when applicable.

2. It's your wedding; you don't have to invite "drama mama" and "long-gone dads" unless you want to. And do not ignore Stepmom.

3. It's never too late to change bad habits. Today is a good time to begin making healthy new ones.

4. Kindness is always important. Do it randomly if you must, but do it often. Pennies are a gentle reminder of heaven.

5. Being the other woman is a dead-end job. No matter what he says, the odds are he is never going to leave his wife.

6. Workplace romances are usually doomed. Don't risk it unless you want to find a new job.

7. Counseling is a good thing. Don't suffer for years or in silence. Get some help today.

8. Reconcile and forgive estranged parents if you can. You don't have to be dysfunctional because they are.

9. Pursue that thing you dream of now. You're going to get older anyway. Which would you regret more, doing something or not doing it?

10. You deserve to be loved. Start with yourself, become the best that you can be and live until you die.


Great Mom but horrified Stepmom's picture

Wow, just read this and want to thank you for posting it! Tremendous value in those words!

misSTEP's picture

Some people are so toxic that if they were your spouse, everyone would be telling you to divorce. But if it is a family member, everyone expects you to be the "bigger person" for healing and "forgive" them. How can you forgive a person who doesn't think - much less admit - that they've done anything wrong??

RedWingsFan's picture

I'm with Dtzy - #8 is the one I personally have an issue with. My mother did not like the fact that I took DD15 to another state and moved on from my ex so she actually called the police in my new state and said that I shoved my DD out of a moving vehicle. She was hoping to get child abuse charges filed against me so my ex (who still lived in her state) would gain custody of DD and she could see her again whenever she wanted.

There's a ton more to this story but bottom line was I ended up having to file a restraining order against my own mother for her threats to "blow my head off" and steal my daughter from me. She believed she could raise her better herself. I didn't speak to her for 6 yrs despite her tracking me down every year and trying to apologize.

After I discovered husband #2 cheating and kicked his ass to the curb, (he was a huge problem for mom and me anyway)I had a momentary lapse of judgement (ok, I drank every ounce of liquor I had left in my rented condo while I was packing and trying to figure out what to do) and called mom. I bellyached all over her and she and I reconciled.

Fast forward 3 yrs to this past Christmas. I stayed with mom at my aunt and uncle's house (she lives with them) and she totally crossed the line AGAIN with regards to my daughter. Some of you may remember reading that blog.

Anyhow, to hear her for years and years say I was a worthless person, a horrible mother and a selfish bitch was extremely hurtful and made me doubt the person I really was if my own mother felt this way about me.

I've since stopped talking with her (as has my daughter) and I'm a MUCH happier person.

RedWingsFan's picture

I went into a serious state of depression and questioning myself after her abuse. She'd get me up in the middle of the night and scream at me, calling me selfish and horrible. This was when I was a teenager and dad had already gone to bed, mom worked afternoons and would come home around 11:30pm and start drinking. She'd get drunk and get me out of bed to yell at me since she knew my dad ignored her and she adored my younger brother.

She tried that shit this past Christmas. I'm 40 fucking years old. I will NOT tolerate her barging into a room where my DD15 and I are trying to sleep at 1:30AM and screaming and yelling at us all drunk...we left and stayed at a hotel. Haven't spoken to her since.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah I am done with her. My DD is only 15 and didn't deserve to be called "a selfish bitch just like your mother" or be told to "shut the fuck up" by her drunk grandmother at 2Am, you know?

I wrote her a letter in January. She wrote me back saying all I do is lie and believe my own lies. After that, I was done.

I'm sorry to hear about your stepdad being abuse to you. Some wounds never heal, but I hope yours have.