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BM....... endless appointments and demands of payments

buterfly_2011's picture

So BM has been making appointment after appointment for skids. I understand kids need dentist/doctor appointments but I think being rational about making them should be a priority especially if you don't have a job (BM doesn't work). She texts and says all three skids have dentist appointments. The dentist I have decided to take them to only accepts payment up front even WITH insurance. DH has amazing insurance for skids. BUT because skids NEVER brush their teeth......(seriously I have to beg when they are with us)they are full of cavities. The cavaties aren't bad yet but there is sight of them. So she says your half up front is $300. You have to have it to the dentist by 04/10/2013 OR your children can't be seen. OK so first of all WHO picks the one dentist who only accepts payment upfront when YOU HAVE NO JOB!!!!!!!!!!!! This woman doesn't understand the concept of money because she does NOT earn her own. DH already pays out the ass for insurance AND CS. He barely has $100 left over from each paycheck to contribute to anything. So coming up with $300 in a matter of 5 days is impossible. If he took a second job yea that would put more money in our house BUT BM would just run to child support office and BOOM what he is getting in extra she will get. So it is pointless for a second job. My DH is not working two jobs to support her lazy ass.
I am just about spent on her demands. We are seeking mediation. There has to be some sort of co-parenting on these types of things. OR some rationality regarding appointments. I will NOT take part with my pocket book anymore if she continues this type of behavior. Especially from somebody who doesn't WORK to contribute to the care of HER OWN CHILDREN!

And on an off note. SS15 has decided to take up golf. It is a 200 fee from the school. We would not afford it. So what we did was supply the golf bag and ALL of the clubs SS would need to participate. DH has some great connections with the golfing community in our area so all of it was donated. But because we didn't pay for the fee we are still assholes..............

And then there is SD18 who graduates this year. BM has not included DH on one single thing she has decided to do regarding pictures or the senior package or any other misc item that has been needed for graduation. Remember she doesn't work.... she pics the most expensive graduation packet. And then makes an appointment with a spendy photographer for pictures. WE offered to help with pictures because DH knows a photographer who was willing to make a pretty good deal with us. BM and SD refused. OF course now they say we didn't offer anything. So after the pictures are taken BM sends a text ASKING for half of the cost of portraits. Didn't discuss with us any of the costs before she took SD there. So DH told her that is unacceptable I can't do that. So BM and SD will not allow DH or any of his family to have any senior pictures of his daughter. Remember BM gets CS and lives off the state. DH works. So his CS most likely went to the purchase of those pictures but of course we didn't contribute.

I could go on and on. I am so freaken sick of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


whatwasithinkin's picture

Typical angry BM stunt.

I dont do the CS debate, I receive child support and I owe noone an explanation for how I spend it as long as my girls have a roof over their head, the bills are paid and they are fed and well taken care of. ( the amnt of child support I get couldnt feed my girisl for the month so believe me Im not rolling it it...) How I manage my money is my business.

But I just have a huge issue of the pettiness with these BM's. Tell her keep the pictures if that makes her feel "superior" It is a picture. 1/2 of that package will never be used and will sit on a desk somewhere collecting dust.

It just sucks she is such a child about shit