Do you allow your kids to play on your smartphone?
FDH and I have Iphones and when we're driving or at an appt or anything where there is idle time, we've started to let Fss play on our smartphones. Well recently that's all he wants to do. This past weekend he threw the tantrum of all tantrums because we didn’t allow him to play on the phones. We were at home and Fss kept asking to play on the phones. FDH was working on some emails at the time and I was making phone calls. After about asking 10x within a 30 minute timeframe, Fss then started to have a meltdown because he wasn't allowed to play on the phones. At one point he ran into the livingroom from his bedroom, face red and he was screaming "daddy, if you and msg1986 don't let me use the phone i'm going to tell grandma on you and she's going to make you give me the phone." (if you're familiar with my posts, this behavior goes way back to FMIL undermining FDH in front of fss and FDH not having the balls yet to do anything about it... we've worked that out though, thankfully). Anyway, at that point I was thinking, "we created a monster" in regards to us opening that gate of him playing on them. The rest of the weekend we didn’t allow him to use the phones at all because of the meltdown even though we had errands to run and not to mention the long drive him to make to take him home.
So FDH and I have been talking and we don't really know where to go from here... Do we allow him to use the phones sometimes like during car rides or appts etc or do we ban the phones because I mean in all honestly they are not toys after all. Fss has a handheld leapster game, I forget the name, it’s the green one that came out like last year and we also just bought him the leappad which you probably know is like the ipad for kids. But it’s like the more he wants to play on the phones the less he wants to play with those devices. FDH thinks we should set limits but I kind of think we’re being contradictory as far telling him they are not toys but then letting him to use them when it’s convenient for us because there is idle time.
Have you guys ever faced this issue? How do you guys handle it?
I should comment before I get
I should comment before I get lost in the posts, the reason we're concerned is because Fss is now demanding/expecting to play with the phones as though they are his toys, not asking and so at this point we're thinking letting him play on them in the first place was a mistake.
Yeah, I totally agree we made
Yeah, I totally agree we made a big no no letting him play in the first place. I feel stupid too because I should have known
. Do you think we should ban the phone use totally at this point? Earlier FDh and I talked and he was like, "we should just sit him down and tell him he can play sometimes" but to me that isn't clear for a kid so young. Also do you think we should buy him a tablet or encourage him to use his Leap Pad, it's pretty much a tablet for a kids but the games are all educational and you download from the internet.
pssh, I know, my overbearing FMIL would probably do that. Last christmas she asked FDH if she could buy Fss an actual Ipad for Christmas. Fdh was like, um no, that's not appropriate for a 4 yr.
My SD5 has a Nintendo DS (MIL
My SD5 has a Nintendo DS (MIL got her for xmas) and a Mobi Go (another electronic game device) but all she wants is the damn phone. I know she just wants to play games on it but I just feel like she has her stuff, and the phones are OURS.
yeah, Fss was just fine until
yeah, Fss was just fine until we started allowing him to the play with the phones. It started because his battery had died one time on his leapster game and so he asked if he could play on phone because he had seen his cousins playing on their moms phone. I thought, "sure why not" and now he doesn't want to play his own devices anymore.
The whole reason we got him the Leap pad in the first place was because he liked the phones and it is all touch screen.
Yeah, I think older kids can
Yeah, I think older kids can the concept of asking to play but also understanding if they are told "not now." they leave it alone.
Fss isn't that way though and I really think it has to do with age. He will ask and ask and ask and ask.
Oh my DH started letting SD5
Oh my DH started letting SD5 play on his phone a while back and now that's all she wants to do. She will sit on there and play games for hours. I guess it's not that big of a deal but sometimes I will call DH and his phone will be dead because he let her play on it so long so that kind of stuff annoys the crap out of me (mainly because I pay the phone bill so if I call, I expect to be able to reach him). If his phone rings, he will have to get it from her and then give it back when he's done. I just think it's a little ridiculous. She has her own toys and I don't think she needs to be playing on his phone. I never let her use mine. She can play with her own stuff.
Oooh yeah I can imagine that
Oooh yeah I can imagine that to be irritating if she uses it till it dies.
I never minded letting him play on the phones but he's been acting more and more entitled to the phones and this past weekend was crazy to me. He's had tantrums before but this was the tantrum of all tantrums.
How did you handle that? Did
How did you handle that? Did you just tell them "no way you aren't playing anymore." I feel like we should just say, "no these are not toys therefore you cannot play with them."
Ooh yeah that's no good for
Ooh yeah that's no good for him to send pics and send them to people, esp BM!! ew! lol.
Fss is still too young to read or send stuff out. and our naughtys naughtys a have a lock. Also I think once he's old enough to read or possibly see something on accident that he shouldn't he won't be allowed to use the phones.
I have never let my 11,13, or
I have never let my 11,13, or 15 year old play on my iphone. They have always had some sort of device of their own-whether it be a nintendo game boy when they were young to their own phones now.
Most certainly if my child at any age ever threw or throws a fit about something I definitely would not let them use it again. If you arent old enough to not throw a fit about it then you probably arent old enough to be using it IMO
SD5 and SD6 both use our
SD5 and SD6 both use our phones to play games. We don't have any issues getting them back, or the skids demanding anything though. They also have LeapPads and Nooks, so they have plenty of electronic toys to keep them occupied.
DH used to allow stepdevil14
DH used to allow stepdevil14 to grab his phone right out of his hand whenever she wanted it! I mean, it was like it was HERS and she was just allowing him to borrow it or something.
You know how I ended that shit? I texted DH a semi naked photo of me (well, just my boobs in a bra) and said "you like it when I text you these things right?" And when he said "Of course, please don't ever stop!" That was my opportunity to say "NEVER allow SD to play with you phone again, because she goes through this stuff and frankly, she doesn't NEED to be seeing or reading what I send you".
The next time SD reached for Dh's phone, he said "You have your own, no need to touch mine" and he put a password lock on it.
Heehee-exactly part of the
Heehee-exactly part of the reason I never allow the kids to touch my phone!
I made the mistake of
I made the mistake of allowing BD4 to look thru my Instagram account. Yes somehow she knows what buttons to hit to go back and forth between all the pics. Now she harassess me daily and I say no because I am afraid she will drop it and smash it!!
I also made the mistake of allowing my niece to look thru my pics once. DH was kidding one night and he put a $100 dollar bill (for food shopping)on my night table and put a note on it that said "fuck me please" and it was funny and I took a pic of it. Oops!
Now I keep it locked!
see Imasmom I think that's
see Imasmom I think that's the whole issue we're having!! If when Fss just said "oh okay" and left it at that then there would be no issue. I think FDH needs to work on teaching Fss the meaning of no means no. thank you, it's like I knew what I was thinking but I couldn't articulate the words lol.
We are a bunch of fat lushes!
We are a bunch of fat lushes!
Oh, I love my wine and that
Oh, I love my wine and that is what I drink almost exclusively. Red, for me, too. But I have to say, at the wine tasting I was at last week, they had some awesome tasting vodkas and some great tasting white wines and I came home with 6 bottles of wine and 1 bottle of vodka. I haven't even opened the vodka yet, can't say as much about the wine!
Holy cow no WAY would I let
Holy cow no WAY would I let my kid play with my smartphone. If I ever threw a tantrum because I couldn't play with something that belonged to my parents...oh just doesn't even compute.
Ipads @ 7?? wow. That's way
Ipads @ 7?? wow. That's way too young to be gifted such an expensive device. yikes!
I SO brought SD12
I SO brought SD12 a tablet in January with her mother (I only found out about it by mistake) anyway my argument was what does a 12 year old need with a tablet? She is 12 years old, she has a computer in her room for homework, watching movies skying etc, his answer "She can watch movies whilst she is away travelling"....WTF!!?!! If she is away travelling surely she should be sightseeing, or spending time with her family! I told him she was a very 'lucky' (what I actually meant was entilted and spoilt) girl. He agreed that she was. I told him that our kids will never have things like that so young, but I also feel sorry for any future kids beacuse they will see that SD gets all this stuff yet they don't, but well it's the way I am.
SD12 plays with my SO iphone and takes pictures and will change his screensaver picture. If she sees it lying on the table she will just take it and use it, no asking and SO doesn't think anything wrong with that. I don't care about the iphone, but the tablet really pissed me off.
I have a thing about young
I have a thing about young children and computer games and I think you have to be very careful about what they play and for how long. In my experience they're addictive and soon start to affect their ability to entertain themselves in other ways, and affect their ability and willingness to socialise. I barely manage to keep my own computer use under control so imagine how difficult it is for a child to regulate their own use of games etc.
I occasionally let my 6 year old use some educational games on my smartphone which encourage number and literacy skills, but I always give her a time limit and include it in what I call 'screen time' which is the amount of time they are allowed to be doing something screen based like watching TV or playing a game. I always avoid using it as a first resort entertainment, I think kids ought to be able to manage a car journey or few minutes in a waiting room without being entertained by an electronic device. We went on a 3 hour flight recently and towards the end of the flight she was allowed to play a few games because she had behaved really well and entertained herself with books and colouring the rest of the time. As soon as any nagging begins I withdraw use of the phone for a few weeks, on the basis that as soon as they start to get fixated on it it's a bad thing.
Overall I think frequent use of adult electronic devices is what encourages younger and younger children to think they are entitled to start asking for iPhones and iPads for birthdays and Christmas, which is ludicrous IMO.
ugh I did, they now have
ugh I did, they now have their own tablets. They killed my battery like crazy lol
My SS5 has his own iPhone/I
My SS5 has his own iPhone/I touch. DH used to let him play on his phone and he would go through his phone pictures etc, several pictures accidentally got deleted of DH's projects and so we discussed getting him his own for Christmas.
My mom had a 3G which had nothing wrong with it so we put the music SS liked and several games on it. He is only allowed to have it in the vehicle and if we are switching cars DH or I move it with the booster seat so it doesn't get lost. Very rarely on a nasty day we will bring it inside for him to play but that is it.
He has never thrown a fit when we've asked him not to play or turn the music down as one time he told me no and I snatched it he lost it for the mornings on the way to school (we live 30min from school so he will listen to music).
I feel grateful knowing SS can't go through my stuff and that he knows not to undermine us or he won't have the phone. I am sure as he gets older it will be harder but DH and I are very much on the same page.
hell to the no. he can deal
hell to the no.
he can deal with looking out the window like kids have done for ages before all this technology.
And I would really punish him for threatening to tell grandma.
Little brat.
I don't deal well with the
I don't deal well with the whiny "I'm bored" bahavior. My DS is 11 and I still pack an activity bag for when we're going to be waiting a legnthy time. Lately, he's really been into playing card games with me. If I've forgotten anything or packed something he's not interested in, I'll let him use my phone. DS has always known that the phone belongs to me and using it is a priveledge.
I think the biggest issue is that your SS thinks he can tattle to grandma to get his way. Rein him in! Use the punishment/reward system of your choice, but be consistant. Let him know that if he throws temper tantrums like a toddler, then he will be treated like one - and you would never trust a toddler with your phone.
We allow SD4 and SS8 to play
We allow SD4 and SS8 to play on our phones in the car when we are traveling. I've never had a problem with SS8 throwing a fit about the phones, he seems to understand that it is my phone and he ALWAYS asks very nicely to play on it. And if I need it for GPS or if it rings, receives text, email, etc. while he's playing, he always hands it over to me, no questions asked. SD4, on the other hand, has gotten upset from time to time if she can't play on one of our phones, especially if we are at home and we are on them or need them for whatever reason. When we are at the house, she has plenty of toys to play with as well as the new LeapPad so we don't allow her to play on them. I think it's probably the age/maturity of the child that matters. If they understand whose phone it is and that they are just 'borrowing' and understand its to pass the time in the car/appts then I see nothing wrong with it. If they start thinking it's their personal right to use it anytime they want, it's time to take it away for awhile. Just my opinion!
No. They should read books.
No. They should read books.
Thank you everyone who
Thank you everyone who commented, it really helped sort out my feelings in regards to this issue. FDH and I agreed that phone will now be off limits as they are not toys. Fss has a Leappad2 in which we've set in place a reward system in order for him to get new games. This past weekend he asked me once if he could use the phone to play and I let him know that the phone isn't a toy and he cannot play with it. Surprisingly he didn't ask again.
This stepparenting thing is sometimes so hard to navigate... I wonder if it will be the same once I have a child of my own... until then I will keep asking you gals and the few guys here for advice. Thank you thank you thank you.