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BD upcoming birthday...

stepsonhatesme's picture

My BD birthday is next week, she will be 17!!! So excited about that. I am having 1 well 2 issues with it, sorta.
When my BS18 left back in Jan, he has had NO contact what so ever with my DH or myself, until Mon night. He stopped over while I was at class, and dropped something off to my DH. Something he didnt want or need. He (BS18) told BD that he would be over next week to see her on her birthday, "as they have always been together on that day, so why should it change". Now all of a sudden XH, her biodad, is calling her and saying he is getting her something for her bday too.

Issue 1. I think my BS is up to something. No contact at all in almost 2 full months and then he "just shows up" I think he's up to something, or wants something.

Issue 2. XH has had NOTHING to do with any of my kids for any of their bday,christmas, or any other reason in the last 15 YEARS!! No cards, phone calls,gifts nothing. Why now??? I think, the only reason is b/c BS is involved with BD bday. I think with BS saying something about BD bday "reminded" him.

Luckily XH has to work that day and wont be coming here. It will be bad enough with BS18 being here. Grrrrr

BUT, on a good note: My baby girl is growing up into a beautiful young woman, with great morals and an excellant compassion for people. (I must have done something right)


hereiam's picture

Enjoy your daughter's birthday and stay on your toes in case BS is up to something. I hope he's not, for BD's sake. That would be pretty crappy to use her birthday for something underhanded.

stepsonhatesme's picture

But, that is my BS. He would use anyone and any reason to get what he wants. Even his sister's bday