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How can we go about it?

Florencia's picture

This is, should we just open up and say that we are "not very fond of SS/SD"? Should we just silently disengage and wait for DH to ask what's going on? Do you think they really care about how/what we feel?


oldone's picture

My SS is an adult so it may be different.

One time when we were first dating I was on pain meds as I had just come home from surgery and told DH that I could never help SS get a job as I would never foist him off on one of my friends. I guess that's the closest I've ever come to talking about his "issues".

I have made it clear that none of my money is ever to be spent on SS. I wouldn't care if he was a model citizen no way the money I worked hard for all my life is going to some other woman's child.

Mostly though I just change the subject when SS is brought up. He's visited us twice. DH tells me all the time that SS is crazy about me. I just sort of say okay. I know DH knows I don't want much to do with him - but I really don't think he knows how hideously trashy I think he is.

It would hurt DH very, very much to have to face the facts that he has a son who truly is white trash. Now he sort of pretends like SS has had some difficulty in finding himself but is on the right track now. Yeah he hasn't been to jail or in big fights (that we know of) for the past year. He does have a job. But he gets drunk every night and does drugs when he can afford them. His friends are low life cretins.

Florencia's picture

Absolutely. Same happened to me. Once or twice he said OH SD is always asking about you and when she gets to see you again (I wa always out somewhere else for the weekend whenever she was here at my place, I'm going to do that again real soon...) And I said: If that's true, she only asks about me so that she knows how much time she gets to be alone with her father, which is only natural for a kid... Yes, I think I made it if not obvious, pretty clear that I'm not very fond of the SD, she's also a liar, same as her BM and the changing subject ALWAYS!! Thank you oldone Smile

oldone's picture

Well I probably would come out and say it if DH ever thru the "you don't like SS" crap in my face. Usually when someone says they it's a dare for you to deny it. I'd probably just say "so?"

I think I am fortunate in that DH's 2nd wife didn't mince any words in her feelings for his sons. They were totally banned. DH didn't even tell her when he spent time with them. She pretended like they never existed. I used to think she was awful but now I think I know better.

Right after they were married the older one (about 16) was sent to live with them. He truly was a sociopath. He's the one I refer to as the dead criminal. He left the state as a teen escapting an accessory to murder charge and was underground for some time. I mean really bad.

The younger one is not horribly mean like the older one. He's just trashy.

Florencia's picture

Yes, also said that...MAN WHAT did I NOT try? You're right "leaving the parenting to the parent" and disengage mode ON. Thank you catmom!!

fedup13's picture

My DH knows how I feel. He chooses to live in denial and think I am going to wake up one day and feel differently, but that is not going to happen. I put my foot down, told him I was out, no more, never again, don't expect me to be anything to skid, if you are not here, neither is he. PERIOD. This is after I exhausted myself trying and only getting immense grief in return. I am not this child's parent and it is not my responsibility to care for him. If he can't be with DH he should be with BM, BM doesn't want him either except for the CS she thinks he will bring her someday, so he goes to MIL's.

Florencia's picture

Yes, denial is the only thing they can resort to I guess! Thank you fedup (I'm fed duo too by the way!!!)

Scratching My Head Now's picture

Well I thought that way once.

Until SS asked to live with my husband. My husband & I both had to get restraining orders from the bio mom---a psycho bi-polar ex wife (yes she receives state checks for her "condition") that was finally caught on tape threatening our lives---so you know this was not a pleasant situation. We also received blackmail voice messages on the phone from her older son, a real druggie that I helped pay child support when my husband was ill for almost half a year.

So with the younger son, I really had such sympathy for him. I thought he really had to get out of that heinous house. I even helped pay for lawyer fees to help my husband get full custody--he was 15 (now 16) & though was able to say where he wanted to live but psycho mother wouldn't allow that & started a campaign that we abused the child & had Children's Services investigating us for months, peeing in cups etc---of course, they found nothing & even helped us in court by stating the bio mother has serious psychological problems.

I thought that would be the start of a wonderful family full of appreciation & dinners at the table. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! The kid resents listening to me, won't wear a jacket in a full on snow blizzard because I tell him to wear one so he goes out in a sweat shirt---doesn't make any sense. He's disrespectful to me, lies to me, calls me a liar, lazy, sleeps until past noon if no school. I even signed up to go to family therapy to help him adjust to a normal life coming from the most dysfunctional upbringing---she would take the kids to the doctors every week to get the $20 co-pay from my husband but she kept it but never paid the doctors, fed them frozen pizza for every meal---meanwhile I make rotisserie chickens, homemade biscuits!!!!! & the kid has nerve to criticize every meal I make. Turned out that he was only soooo eager to go to therapy to convince the therapist that he's unhappy because I took away the GIANT SCREEN TV, we bought him btw, after he called me names & his grades plummeted. He looks so sweet outwardly but he has learned some really evil manipulative ways.

I have a grown daughter from my previous marriage, she is normal & wonderful. I feel like I have used my money to take care of this hot mess, when I know my daughter who is just starting adult life could really use it. So this week, I promised myself I will never go to therapy for SS. I will go to therapy with my husband to work out our issues from all this toxic drama from the bio mom & SS. I will no longer cook family meals. I have told everyone including the therapist, including SS..."I am not his mother" & I say that with no guilt.

I have told SS, "I do not appreciate being treated like your cook, your maid, nor will I take anything you say at face value anymore, I do not care if you do not like me, I do not really like the idea of you taking my money as if you are my responsibility, and furthermore, if you do not like your father being with me or you do not living with me...guess what? I don't like living with you either".

I do regret helping my husband get custody of SS. I feel pretty used by SS, harassed by Bio Mom like no one would believe, and fear losing my marriage as well as my mind. So to save myself a bit, and though I admire others going through hell but choose the higher road to never verbalize those sentiments & resentment---I'm going to keep saying the truth.

Florencia's picture

Wow... I mean WOW!! What a story , hon! BM CAN be a real piece o sh..!! And hats off for all the things you did for them... Maybe I won't tell DH I can't stand her but... I won't let my marriage fail because of a spoiled brat and crappy BM!! Thank you dear!! Smile