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Where do I come in?

Florencia's picture

So here's the deal. This weekend is not visitation weekend so I was supposed to just relax. It didn't turn out to be like that given that since Friday SD is at MIL'S ( BM has a life of her own and doesn't seem to care besides it means less food to but/cook and more time to do her hair/nails and god knows what else, but this is usually the case).
DH kept receiving invitations to dinner Friday and Saturday. On Friday he said no because he had to visit a friend of his, alright. On Saturday, MIL calls AGAIN to renew the invitation , DH says "I HAVE TO DO SOME STUFF AROUND THE HOUSE SO I GUESS I'M STAYING" That's when I said: Honey, does your mother know that WE HAVE A LIFE other than effin having dinner with them (which we did last weekend!!!!) Well, we started a fight. The thing that bothers me is that, as I told him, he never says: I'M GOING OUT WITH MY WIFE, OR JUST "WE'RE STAYING HERE, WE HAVE PLANS" He doesn't give me the WIFE-SPOT, at least that's what I feel. Well, had a big time fight with me venting (as much as I could) all over. But my venting was mostly about how he doesn't seem to aknowledge that he's sharing his life with someone who a) doesn't have kids yet and b) If the SD is to come every other weekend so be it but please respect MY WEEKENDS for god's sake!! He claims his POOR SD fully understands that she has to share her fath... NO NO NO NO NO!!! She doesn't have to share her FATHER, I HAD a father and you're my HUSBAND, we don't share anything, mind you. Then he starts whining about how he has to split himself into a thousand pieces so that everyone's happy. I told him that's part and parcel of being a separated parent, my parents divorced when I was 12 so is there anything I don't know about that? BRING IT ON!
He must have felt cornered or at a complete loss because he then said: "HAVE YOU BY ANY CHANCE SAID ANYTHING TO SD ABOUT NOT TEXT MESSAGING OR CALLING ME" I was like WHAT THE FLYING FUCK are you talking about???? (The girl never calls him whenever she's at her place, except when she or her mother need something) Oh well, another big time fight about that and my questioning WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE WITH? And most of all do you take it for granted that BM has NOTHING to do with this? OMG, I went berserk. ( He also mentioned about my disengaging, not the exact term but... well we speak spanish so not even close ..LOL)
So after all the SATURDAY NIGHT DRAMA, today SD calls her father to ..inform? him that she's nearby (with MIL and FIL) and that she'll be here soon so that DH takes her home. Uhm, okay, what do I do, what ELSE do I have to say? Should I just leave for the time SD is here or ask him if he suffers from some kind of amnesia? And here's my question AGAIN: Where do I come in? Who made that decision about MY HOME? MY SUNDAY?
PLease, I could do with some advice.. I think I'm going mad...
Thank you gurls!!


Florencia's picture

I've told him the best I could and if he remembered the fight we had yesterday. While I was speaking to him the MIL called and he said NO (the house was a mess and he was doing the laundry WTF) Again he couldn't just say I HAVE OTHER PLANS, I don't think he ever got things straight about having the kid every other weekend. He's mad at me now as in ARE YOU HAPPY? I SAID NO! Gee...tut..tut..

Florencia's picture

I guess I'll just have to put the bitch boots on then! You're totally right about everything, thing is they call him on his cellphone, otherwise I'd kindly (or not) tell them to bugger of myself!ANd about the mantrums I HATE THEM! Thank you so much for your words!! I feel I'm not the only bitch LOL