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Today's events.. a recap of Riddle me this....

mrsparks's picture

So.. CBM did actually "find" DH's moms # yesterday and called to ask her to watch SS, she said she had a "seminar" to go to and would need to drop SS off early in the morning, but will get him later in the day before 5... Uhh.. what? DH's mom said "NO" because she has class today and can't do it.. She also knows what's up with CBM dropping off and failing to pick up her kids..

Now.. when DH texted her later to ask her why she didn't ask "HIM" if his mother could watch SS instead of acting sly and sneaky behind his back, her answer was- "WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, I DIDN'T ASK YOUR MOTHER TO WATCH SS" I'm confused!!!!

Mind you CBM talks crazy stuff about DH's mom all the time and DH's mom hasn't watched SS since they were together years ago-

So today DH gets a text from CBM saying that her grandmother [another one that has refused to watch SS] due to CBM running the streets is going to watch SS and that DH can pick SS up from her grandma's house this evening and that DH can give her grandma a couple of dollars because SS has to stay longer than grandma would like..
CBM said SS needs to be picked up by 5:00 because her grandma has stuff to do- Well CBM also knows that DH works until 5 and there's no way he can get there by then.. CBM also said [which I thought was odd] by the way, grandmas name is MARY JOHNSON incase you forgot.. What did she think? He was going to write grandma a check.. and he was with CBM for 5 years- what is the "remember when" sh*t about???

DH let her know that her grandma is watching SS for "HER" and not
for "HIM" and that he's not going to pay her anything-

She said, well that's fine about the money, could you just pick him up after work...WHAT IS HER DEAL, IS RUNNING THE STREETS THAT IMPORTANT AT AGE 32?!

I know it's a full moon and she is mental and all, but I have had it with the antics, some advice please...

BTW- CBM is not working, she is basically collecting child support from DH and her Ex and getting some substantial gov. asst.