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Progress...I hope that it doesn't go away!

steppingsucks's picture

Progress...I hope that it doesn't go away!

So here's a quick update on my circumstances. We currently have 50/50 custody, but I had DH change it so that SS9 was only at our house on the days when DH is home because of his terrible treatment of me. Now DH's job schedule will change in a week so that he works a more normal shift on Mon-Fri...yea!!!

Well BM actually agreed to the new custody arrangement, which means that SS9 will only be with us on Saturdays and Sundays When DH is off of work. We'll continue paying the bills for SS9 (since we already do anyway) and there will be no child support. Can you believe that? Although even Sat. & Sun. is too much time for me with SS9, I know that DH needs time with his son. As long as DH is home with him, I'm cool with it, as long as I can stay disengaged from SS9 and focus on myself, DH, and my bio-kids.

On another interesting note, DH started telling SS9 during his many tantrums that "this is why you are on the schedule you are on now". I couldn't believe it. It was like it was coming out of my brain and straight into DH's mouth. Wow!

Another great side-note is that DH seems to be relieved with the new schedule, even though he wasn't happy about it at first. And our relationship has been going very well since then. I just hope things continue this way. I'm actually looking forward to this weekend if you can believe it.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and my woman-balls between my legs...boy that sounds gross. Glad that I don't really have them:-)


steppingsucks's picture

Thanks gerilee1987. After the weekend with DH, SS9 and the rest of the family, it became clear that although DH isn't happy about the change, he understands that it's likely what's best for everyone involved. Hopefully it proves to be true and he gets some stress relief soon.