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The good, the bad, and the ugly!

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The good:

Because of DH's work schedule changing, SS9 now lives with his mom most of the time, except for 1-2 days per week. Although BM is probably not the best place for SS9 to change his ways, his behavior has become so toxic in our house that I've got to put more attention on myself, my marriage, and my own biokids.

The bad:

SS9's behavior is still out of control and getting worst. What's he up to now?

- Stealing (from BS15 and BD2)
- Lying
- Tantrums
- Whining and yelling
- Crying about everything
- Talking back about everything
- He acts out at school resulting in failing grades (and DH was surprised)

The ugly:

The latest incidents involve my 2 year old daughter, which really freak me out. Normally, SS9 treats BD2 very well and really seems to love her. But recently, he stole her Easter candy bar from Grandma and ate it, and then hid her baby monitor in his own room's dresser so that he could hide it and hear it whenever he wants.

That last one is what worries me the most. BM and him say it's because he always has nightmares about BD2 getting kidnapped, but I don't know what to think. I know whatever the real motive is, it's extremely troubling, and I don't want him anywhere near BD2. It's just freaky to me. What do you guys think?