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Update on Counseling

IAMGOOD's picture

We have been working with a counselor now for almost 10 months. It is just NOW that she is getting under the covers. I truly believe the "unraveling" of all the the BM has done and my husband's mom has done is somewhat coming out. A review: my situation is that my ss has been brainwashed & poisoned by his bm and my husband's mentally ill mother. The mentally ill mother - well I won't even go there. She really is over the top & joined forces with the BM (whom she hated until I moved into my husband's life) to try to cause me to leave. Well....we married and I am not going anywhere nor my children.

Slowely, but focusing on recent happening, the counselor is bringing to the forefront behavior and calling the bm out on it. I hope this can continue onward. It has taken a tremendous amount of time and effort.

It is bad enought when a BM is the alienator, but to have reinforcement from the BF's mother - well that is really confusing for a kid.

If only people could see what they do?


smomof2's picture

hang in there. A good counselor will be able to see through all the BS eventualy. I'm so sorry you're in that situation.

round2's picture

Curious - why doesn't your Dh cut off his mother from contact with the kids? If she is poisoning them, take her out of the equation.