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I don't believe it

ferretmom's picture

Now H has upped his campaign to get me to miss my trip. He follows me around asking me all pitiful what he's supposed to do. He wants to know who is going to take care of him and sd while I'm gone. I tell him take care of yourselves, you're both adults. The only worry I had about being gone was about my pets but I made arrangements for them to go to a sitter. I don't trust either one of them to take care of my babies. It's amazing that when the whinny, poor me act doesn't work he gets contemptuous, but that's not working either. He accused me of abandoning my family. This from a man who thought it was okay for his sister to go on a month long cruise when her baby was only 3wks old and no she didn't take the baby with her. He said she needed a break from being pregnant and then having the baby. WTF I brought this up and according to H that's different. So I tell him to get his head out of his butt. I know I shouldn't be but sometimes I'm stunned at how dense he can be. For instance a couple of weeks ago I DVR'ed a 20/20 about the Appalachians and we watched it together. It was filmed not far from where I grew up and watching it made me very sad and homesick. I haven't been home in years. When I tell him his response was about how these people are stupid and deserve whatever they get. I know he can never understand how I feel but he could have been a little sympathetic. That's why I need this trip so badly, I really need to get away and think. Sorry this has gone so long. There's more but I'll save it for later. You all are great, I'm glad I found this site. I think if I hadn't I would have gone crazy.


Sasha's picture

I can't believe he's trying to guilt you into not going. And exactly why is what his sister did different?

We still have our cruise booked for September, but if I don't find a job soon we might have to cancel.

The Principlist's picture

The difference in what his sister did is she left a 3 wk old baby who didn't ask to be here in the first place. Don't you know that animals are higher on the chain of importance than BABIES! (Dripping with sarcasm) Ugh. The nerve of the man. I would not let any of his attempts faze or sway me. Its a little too late and hopefully this will teach him. In the meantime, I guess he's got to figure out how to wipe his own ass and kiss Princess SDs rotten ass and have no one to blame all of her misdeeds on.

Enjoy your trip!

People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be most painful. ~ME :->

frustratedinMA's picture

I would be even MORE determined to get my but on that cruise.. He is quite capable of caring for himself. Your house might be filthy and trashed when you get home.. but it will be worth it. . and I would save just a smidge of spending money to spend on a Merry Maid to help you get the house back in order when you get home.

have a great trip!!!

JMC's picture


cancelling or even postponing your trip, FM. DH and unfortunately princess too, will survive your absence. You go and enjoy your trip - GUILT FREE!

now4teens's picture

lock up EVERYTHING you value. Or, better yet, take it all to a trusted friend's house until you get back.

I wouldn't trust SD for ONE SECOND not to trash it or steal it while you were gone!

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

sarahbernheart's picture

I agree with 5T lock it up -hide it.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

northernsiren's picture

:the whinny, poor me act doesn't work he gets contemptuous, but that's not working either. He accused me of abandoning my family:

oh jeez, I dunno WHY you would want a vacation from THAT ferretmom, a whiny man is just SO damned attractive (insert dripping sarcasm here)

I say find yourself a cute cabana boy and DO NOT return!

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

ferretmom's picture

Besides buying myself clothes, usually at second hand stores or on major sale, I haven't spent any significant amount of money on myself. I have a safe deposit box in my name only so I'm putting all my jewelry in it that I'm not taking with me. The only thing I plan on doing is sightseeing and getting pampered every day.