To follow the CO or not? Need advice
}:) Background:
My DH and his ex follow an EOW schedule even though the decree states 1,3,5th weekends starting on Friday. Pretty standard stuff. My ExH and I follow the schedule in the decree to the letter which is the standard 1,3,5.
Reason for the post: Dh and his ex have constant confusion as to which weekend is whose when there is a holiday or vacation schedule that occurs. For example, we follow the custody order for school breaks but whose weekend is it when the break is over. Also, he travels a lot on business, if he has to miss a weekend, he takes the next weekend which restarts the EOW cycle. It is soo frustrating.
Also, every time she gets a new boyfriend the EX wants to swap the EOW cycle to accommodate her new man. If we say no, we are the most horrible people on the face of the earth, blah blah blah. What fucking ever.
Anyway, I am strongly encouraging DH to switch to following the decree schedule to the letter. He doesn't want to because if he does, we will "never have a kid free weekend becasue we will have his DD when my kids are with their Dad".
To me that argument is such crap, my kids only see their Dad maybe once a month and even want to come home earlier than that when they do visit. If we want to travel when we have my kids, my parents keep them. They are not a barrier to anything other than walking around the house naked or having really noisy sex.
I am curious as to what my fellow steptalkers think? Has anyone dealt with this before?
SO and BM follow the order
SO and BM follow the order now. They used to let SD decide what she wanted to do. Ex and I always followed as well. In our case now we follow to a T but BM still texts wanting to know whose holiday is whose. For some reason she can't get the holiday schedule in her head. Then she wants us to keep SD for every holiday, we never do but she asks for every holiday.