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My house sounds like a sanitarium...or....Why are the so gross?

PeanutandSons's picture

The skids are sick again. Or should I say still? I don't even know. They never seem well, but they are currently sicker than the usual background coughing and snotty noses.

I have been on them since October to start wearing pants and a jacket. Its a daily battle. I will tell them to get a coat as we leave for school....notice they are carrying it rather than wearing it when we get in the car, tell them to put it on again. They will begin to put it on and apprarently stop as soon as my back is turned to drive because low and behold we get to school and no coat. I imagine they take it off as soon as I drive off again.

They never cov r their mouths, and just cough all over each other and everything around them. They don't blow their noses unless you force them. Its a toss up whether they will snort the snot back up and swallow it or just let it run down their faces. They never wash their hand, despite being sent to wash them before and after every meal.

So I had a little mini rant on dh a couple weeks ago about the coat situations n. He said to forget about it and then f they want to be cold then that's their business . I said OK, but I don't want to hear one word when they get sick.

Surprise surprise, they are have the now sick. Uncontrollable coughing thing and noses like a faucet.Not my problem. I ignored it all weekend. No special meals, didn't strip their linens everyday, didn't have them in a warm bath Evey night. I didn't chase them around with tissues reminding them to blow their noses and cover their mouths.

Instead, they got banned from the family room, where my baby spends most of his time. And bs3 was told he was not allowed to be in their rooms. They got quarantined. If they want to be gross and geem covered, fine by me. But they will no longer be allowed to infect the entire family. They choose to be constantly sick with their behavior, my boys don't.

They can coughvl all they want all over each other, they can cough all they want over the things in their rooms. But they will not cough on me and mine anymore.

Dh ignored it all weekend. Last night, while listening to the orchestra of coughing coming from their bedrooms, so what are we down ng about this?

Innocently- do about what?

This coughing! What are we going to do about it?

Well, having them wear coats, cover their mouths when they cough, blowing their noses instead of eating it, and having them wash their hand would be a good start.

I guess that wasn't the level of concern he was expecting because he job st stared at me with his mouth open.


Stepcop's picture

I have the unfortunate chore of taking sd13 to school in the mornings. You would think, by the age of 13, one would know when it's cold out, a coat is necessary. Nope. It is a DAILY, DAILY, fight to get a coat on this psycho brat. I got fed up trying to get one on her for church one morning and told her the doctor bills were coming out of her Christmas and birthday money, dh finally said something. It is so frustrating. It should be common sense. Just like yours there is the no covering the mouth when coughing (or sneezing, or belching....sigh) and she still eats boogers so the snot doesn't bother her, she would never blow her nose. I think they like being sick. I sanitize the house the best I can, but I'm tired. I came very close to dieing at the beginning of the month because of complications from food poisoning and dehydration, I'm still weak and tired, I don't need my already low immune system fighting her germ buffet! NASTY,! I empathize with you!

PeanutandSons's picture

I just don't understand 1. How they aren't bothered by the disgusting or annoyed with constantly being sick. And 2. How does dear old dad just not care? How does a parent just ignore their child with snot running down their face? How do you just ignore your child constantly sick?

When bs3 is sick, I am all over it. I hate it when my kids are sick. I do everything I can to get him well again as fast as possible. I NEVER just walk by and let him sit there with boogers in his nose, running onto his face. I tell him every single time he forgets to cover his mouth [and coincidentally he doesn't forget often]....and I bathe him every night to get the germs off. I strip his bed and wash his sheets every morning.

Dh doesn't lift a finger for his kids. We were all his me together for 5 days and that one comment last night was the only time he even seemed to notice that boh his kids were sick.

Silly is the same way with her kids, snot everywhere and she seems not to notice...or maybe she just doesn't care. One time I saw neice5 with snot literally dripping ng off her elbow because she had wiped so much snot on her arm. A house full of 3 adults ( sil biland mil) and not one thought to say go blow your nose on a tissue.