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Ugh... Doing my best to just stay out of it..just a bit of a rant

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So after coming across SD17 Facebook msg to her half sister that was left on BD12 computer and reading that last weekend she slept with her boyfriend, smoked pot while she was suppose to be staying the night at a friends. She told her sister she wasn't pregnant but wasn't sure because she was 2 weeks away from her period. I noticed she got her period so I was somewhat relieved but I couldn't keep it to myself any longer and I politely told hubby that I have a feeling that she might be having sex. Without just coming right out saying your kid is lying to you and she might be knocked up. She asks us at dinner if the shots she got last week would cause her to feel nauseous. I told her no not this long after the shot. Her dad turns to her and says well are you having sex because being nauseous is a sign of being pregnant. She said... No, after a pause and a look of terror on her face and proceeds to tell us she has her period of which I tell her that there are some women that still get their period even though they are pregnant.

So now I guess we just wait and see if the brat comes clean and asks for help.

She knows my position of teen pregnancy. If you choose to have sex and it ends up in pregnancy then you have to be the adult and choose what you want to do. If you decide to keep the baby it will be you raising it not us...we are done having babies and I am still raising my own 12 yr old daughter. I will not help you unless you are actually making an effort ie getting a job and taking care of the child all the time. She is so lazy now I can't see her getting up ever 2 hrs to take care of a baby when she can't even take care of herself.

I've seen what teenage pregnancy has done to my brother and his wife. Not only do they support their daughter and grandchild they also end up supporting whatever new love of the month that comes over to live with them.