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Problems with my serious girlfriend's kids

puppylove10's picture

I joined this site because I am having some difficulties with my serious girlfriend. We are both 38. Things are going quite well between her and I. Unfortunately, she has had a tough life and she has had to move quite a bit with her 3 kids. I have never been married and do not have any children. I have been quite lucky in my life to obtain the stability in all facets in my life. Her kids are extremely rude to me because they feel that I am taking time away from their mother and by the way her previous boyfriends have treated her. When I met her, she was unemployed for three years. I am very happy that I was able to help her with her job application skills for her to land a good entry level job. I feel that I can offer her so much and I love making their lives better; I feel a bit of attachment to them to make sure they make it in life as well as my love for my girlfriend. I am seeking some sort of advice in terms of how to be there for my girlfriend and her kids even though I am not their father. I am of course in no position to discipline her kids and feel a bit helpless in how to proceed. I am torn in the fact that I can do so much for them and really have a great relationship with my girlfriend but on the other hand, get insulted and ridiculed by her kids. I would appreciate any advice!

Thank you!

Shook's picture

Sorry but I'm going say you should find another fixer-upper that doesn't involve rude children. There are lots of women out there that don't have this kind of portable baggage & they're looking for mates to help them. Weigh this out carefully, help 4 (potentially 5 if her ex is a nightmare) or help 1. Your choice.

emotionaly beat up's picture

There is absolutely nothing you can do about these kids. But you can, and if you want this relationship to survive, MUST do, is let your girlfriend know you will absolutely not tolerate her children being rude, unappreciative and ungrateful towards you, You need to tell her, her failure to rein them in and teach them respect is tantamount to encouraging and supporting their rudeness.

The kids are the least of your worries, Having a partner who allows their children to be rude and disrespectful is the worst. She is insulting and humiliating you. Deal with the source of the Problem - YOUR GIRLFRIEND. You are not the family joke, do not allow yourself to be treated as such.

puppylove10's picture

Thank you for your comments. I have found them very helpful. The two boys are aged 16 and 5 and the girl is 14. As I mentioned before, I have been very supportive of her and her kids whether it be to purchase her a BMW suv to providing as much daily assistance as possible. She has not paid her house mortgage in 3 years and she is facing foreclosure very soon. This is what brought the "seriousness" to a higher level since I have to ponder whether I would like her and her kids to live with me. I think all of your comments have provided a little focus and support to my thoughts. The issue is most likely my girlfriend as she lives a very different life than I do. Last week, my girlfriend apparently slapped her daughter in the face one time and did not leave a mark. Apparently, her daughter knew what to do and reported her mom to child services. When child services came out, my girlfriend was undeterred and told me that child services has come out over 10 times already for different issues. Now, is this normal or even close to normal? I would be so so so so ashamed if I couldn't control my household that child services would have to come out even once. I do think that I am viewing my girlfriend through some rosy colored glasses and do think that she is the issue.

Amberelle11's picture

Run run run!!

Your too nice of a guy to get sucked into such disasterous quick sand and know that if you do, it will bring you emotionally down with them! (and that will reflect physically due to the stress!)

There are soo many good woman out there (with and without children) that will better meet your needs and standards and be on your level as well! You are on one level, she is on a completely different one! You need to find a better balanced person otherwise you WILL end up eventually getting exasperated with being the "doormat" (and taken advantage of!).

Being the wonderful person you are, it seems as though you are maybe more attached to the feeling of "saving them" (i.e. trying to bring together a family and giving them things like a BMW to cart the kids around??)...from my own experience, just know it's a false dream and you need to realize that change only happens when THEY are willing to on their own terms. (it's taken me 4 plus years to learn this in my own situation!)So I worry that in the end, you only end up emotionally drained, frustrated, angry, confused and any other emotion the leads to feeling taken advantage of.

I honestly see this as a toxic situation. Sorry hun!! ((hugs))

Onefootout's picture

You definitely deserve better. But one of your comments got my attention:

"I am very happy that I was able to help her with her job application skills for her to land a good entry level job. I feel that I can offer her so much and I love making their lives better; I feel a bit of attachment to them to make sure they make it in life as well as my love for my girlfriend."

This sounds more like a project than a healthy relationship. And you seem to be more like her social worker than her boyfriend. I'd read up on some literature on people who need to rescue other people. Maybe on psychology today or something. You sound like a very generous and giving person and I hate to see you get taken advantage of.

How would you feel about dating someone who was financially successful and did not need your help in getting a job?

I wish you the best!

Amberelle11's picture

This!! ^^^ this is exactly what I meant by "Being the wonderful person you are, it seems as though you are maybe more attached to the feeling of 'saving them'".

This, a healthy relationship does not make! A healthy relationship is about partnership! Smile

Shook's picture

Agree@ a worker...

You said it yourself, you'd be a bit embarrassed to even have children's services there on a reg basis. Man, I'm even embarrassed I have to deal with our BM on a reg basis. RUNNNNNNNN in the other direction before Ms Right comes along, sees your mess & passes you up. Run Hun.

puppylove10's picture

Thank you again for all of your comments. I would agree with you that I do enjoy being that "knight in shining armor" gentleman and do enjoy doing whatever is necessary to pick up my partner. I guess I have a faint hope that some people will be forever grateful that I took a chance on them and they will repay this kindness in other ways...i.e. make the relationship better. Typically this does not happen but I have the time and facilities to be there for that right person.

I had the talk with my girlfriend today. I told her that the current situation is not acceptable and if things did not change, a break up was imminent. I told her that either we cut ties, or she, I, and the kids need to see a therapist who can help us resolve our issues. I left her with either option and I told her to think about it. As a follow up question...has anyone had any type of success with therapists assisting in the integration of different people into a household? Is it an even worthwhile to pursue this route?

Thanks again!

emotionaly beat up's picture

Having raised 3 children from the ages of 2, 6 and 8 to adulthood as a single mother and now the grandmother of 4 pretty cute well mannered respectful little boys, I can tell you I have NEVER had to this day any contact with child services. But if I had even once had this happen, I would have died of shame. If it happened to one of my daughters now, I would die of shame. NO, this is not normal.

As for the therapy. You are putting the cart before the horse. Before any sort of family therapy could be successful, I think some individual therapy for all is in order. Now, you recognise your need to be the white knight, so therapy for you may just be the best thing you could do. It could be life changing for you. Imagine being able to attract someone into your life who was like you. Hard working, intelligent, self sufficient, caring and compassionate. Instead of attracting losers who need you as a crutch. You won't know yourself. You could have a real live grown woman in your life, a partner. Instead of a grown child with offspring. But you need to change your thinking in order to bring that into your life.

As for her and her children. I don't know. They have lived this way forever. It has always worked for them. One way or another mum finds a man for support, so why should they change for you. They see nothing wrong with their way of life. Going into therapy at your suggestion isn't good. Had your girlfriend suggested it, well there would have been a glimmer of hope. But going along to therapy because she has to, to keep you, her support, is probably going to in the long term be a waste of time.

The child services thing. That horrifies me. I cannot imagine why you are even there at all. Other of course than to make you feel good about yourself. Again a recipe for failure in the long term. One of two things will happen. She will never change, you'll get sick of not being able to complete this project and find another loser to help, and to make you feel good. Or, she will become the woman you are trying to make her, and you will not feel needed anymore, so again, you will move on to find someone else who needs you and makes you feel good about yourself.

Maybe do something a little different, why not look after yourself first for once. Go get sone therapy for you. Myself address your need to be needed which is causing you to be used and absurd.

I have children your age. An earlier poster gave you some big sister advice. Now listen to mum.

Everybody needs a doormat. Nobody loves one. You young man are a doormat for not only this woman, but for her kids. They are wiping their feet all over you.

Shook's picture

Can't make a silk purse outta sow's ear.

BeatUp is right. In my previous marriage & my exH's 2nd wife (SM to my daughter), we made sure we were open & respectful so we would never have to deal with high drama, off the charts resentments & children's services---which was never an option. We would be too ashamed of that ever happening so our only choice was to handle it maturely, regardless of boundaries & the usual norm---we kept it open because we were all emotionally equipped to do so--all our kids/skids, parents/stepparents live in peace.

However, now in my current relationship w/ my DH...CHAOS we have high drama galore with his nutbag BM & all these false accusations to children's services. Luckily the judges took us all at face value. We, respectful, hard working tax payers VERSUS BM a self serving train wreck, a ward of the state never worked a day in her life. There never will be a mutual respect & hard boundaries need to be set.

If you really think that counseling will help you & your SO, then fine. But I can testify being involved in a full spectrum of blended families, from heaven to hell---you CANNOT make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Good luck to you.

puppylove10's picture

I have never been scolded that way by someone on the internet. I come from a more traditional upbringing where the man brings in the income where a woman does not have to work. This of course does not mean she can lay in bed and watch tv all day. My girlfriend is a hard worker in most things she does and I am actually very happy with her in that way. She is an exceptional cook and makes delicious dinners for me almost daily and is there for me whenever I might need assistance. She does everything and more than I could ask from her and I do believe she does her best to try to make me happy. I have no problem doing my best to make sure she is happy as well. I do come a bit of a different background than she does but also do enjoy showing her and her kids a better way of life. I do not consider them parasites nor am ignorant to what type of women are out there. I as a man do not mind giving more in terms of dollars but do of course want my girlfriend to do the little things to make the relationship work. The only offensive issue is her dealings with her children and how that impacts me.

I can imagine that this notion of the woman not having to work or being taken care by a man may be a bit of a foreign concept in today's world, but I do prefer this type of traditional relationship and it has worked for our parents and grandparents and I don't see there being an issue with having it for myself.

Amberelle11's picture

What you need to remember puppylove is that "hard working" doesn't nec. mean a woman with a job! There is nothing wrong with being a stay at home mother. My mothers certainly was and was a very hard worker in the role! (To be honest, being a parent is the hardest job in the world!)

But the way you have discribed the situation origionally shows a lot of high hopes and expectations that just are not realistic. I don't say this to you ignorantly either. I actually moved from the US to the UK to be with my husband so that he could be near his kids and was going to "fix" the family and put all the peices together! I was going to make this one big happy family again!...Uhh...Reality check! Here is where we are today: SD's 15 and 18 not speaking to us for over 6mo. because they think we didn't send them a Christmas card for Christmas! (Which I did, and their mother is notorious for taking and trashing instead of giving to the kids OR it could have been lost in the mail, don't know. But this is what the last 4 years of my life has acculminated to over and over and over. If it's not a card, they find somethings else to take it's place!) We do know that my efforts have resulted in absolutely nothing. But there has been loads of tears, heartache and frustration to the both of us as the rediculous behavior continues. Like I said, THEY choose the change, not you no matter how much of a saint you are and how hard you try!). And giving them a "better life" to them means "I can treat him like crap and he STILL buys me stuff! (and in some situations, I can guilt him into buying me more! whoo hoo!)...Hmmm...How can I continue to manipulate this situation?".

I'm not trying to be harsh at all. But what I am trying to tell you is to not look at this situation with Rose-colored glasses and overall, save you a lot of trouble and heartache as well. Just make sure you are being realistic in your expectation!

emotionaly beat up's picture

I agree Amberelle. I too was a stay at home mum, my daughters are stay at home mums. It is absolutely think it is the hardest job anyone will ever do. But as you would know a huge part of that job is teaching your children respect manners and appreciation. She is failing in this area and he us rightly feeling unappreciated. But my concern is that the way I read it she and her children were more of a project for him to complete and mould into a perfect family. He admits he likes the feeling of being the knight in shining armour. Perhaps she and the children sense they are his pet project not his family and don't like it. That's why I think he really needs to look at his true motives for being in this relstionship. It cannot be all about self satisfaction and feeling good about himself. I justI think there is more between the lines here.